Responding is Sexy: Ticky Time!

Feb 26, 2010 22:23

Congrats to obaona, rightxhere, and scifi_tv_addict! You earned your places with months of amazing work. Thank you.

Congrats to all of our participants. Thank you for playing in the SG-1 LIMS sandbox. We can't do it without you, the makers and the voters. Now it's time for you to give us feedback so that we can try to make this a place where people will want to continue ( Read more... )

round 3, feedback, round 4, poll

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Comments 25

casett February 27 2010, 13:07:45 UTC
Don't want to stop. Don't want to leave. You guys are <3. I <3 everyone here.

Whatever you want to do is fine with me. I just like to play here.


hsapiens February 27 2010, 19:28:21 UTC
I'm glad to hear that because you are not allowed to leave. You do know that I'd hunt you down and hound you until you agreed to participate just to shut me up, don't you? :)


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hsapiens February 27 2010, 23:05:40 UTC
We did short-shrift him this time around. He was actually in two of the challenges (Ice Ice Baby and All Together Now) but you're right that he wasn't featured in solo in any caps this time.

One reason I asked that question was because I know we tend to focus on the Big Six to the detriment of other characters. I am also keenly aware that my personal love of SG-1 ebbed in Seasons 6-8 so we feature them less often than we should.

I'm curious if others notice the imbalance -- and what they notice so that I can be more aware of the areas that irk our members. There are no innocent questions! ;)


shadowserenity March 1 2010, 13:32:49 UTC
Oh yes, more Jonas please - especially Jonas in the tight green shirt :D.


hsapiens March 1 2010, 16:15:09 UTC
Jonas in tight green shirt, check! Er, care to help me out and tell me when he wore a tight green shirt? *makes with the big eyes of plea*


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hsapiens March 2 2010, 17:53:24 UTC
Thank you for the feedback. :) I suppose we're doing our job because nobody has big complaints and that's nice to know but it's good to get critical feedback, too. Nothing is ever perfect and there's always room for improvement, although I'll allow there are diminishing returns at a certain point. (I worked at a company that demanded regular proof of improvement even if nothing was "wrong" so I get that there's a certain state that's perfectly acceptable even if it isn't utterly perfect.) Er, I'm babbling.

:) :) :)


txduck March 5 2010, 15:57:52 UTC
So, I didn't manage to stick around long enough to help out with much input specifically for round 3... sorry about that. But I did checkout the themes and caps each week and they looked great. Enough so for me to play along just for my own amusement ;)

Just wanted to say love this Lims and to thank you for all your hard work. It's helped push me to try new things and hopefully grow... I would love to participate again in the next round. :)


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