Jack Alpha-bits claims post

Sep 21, 2008 17:41

We'll be enjoying a crunchy bowl of Jack Alpha-bits on October 27th, to celebrate SG-1 Gen Fic Day. Here's where you claim a letter!

(Don't know what I'm talking about? Look here.)

This is how it works: the letters of the alphabet are available on a first come, first served basis. Comment here and claim a letter - one letter per author only. I'll strike them out as they're claimed, but as long as you made your request first, the letter is yours. By making a claim, you are committing yourself to writing at least 100 words on Jack by October 27th. On that day, comment with your fic in the SG-1 Gen Fic Day post, using the title as the subject of your comment (M is for Mary Steenburgen, B is for Beer, T is for Team, F is for Fishing). Include a link to the fic on your own LJ as well. If your story is too long to fit in a comment, post a paragraph or two and link to the rest on your own LJ (not off LJ, please). Do not post your ficlet anywhere online before the 27th! On October 28th, I'll collate all the ficlets in alphabetical order and post them together as a complete anthology.

There are only four rules: your fic must be at least 100 words, although there is no maximum limit; it must be about Jack, and preferably a defining aspect of O'Neill-with-two-Ls; it should not contradict canon, because we want to define the Jack we know and love from the show; and it should be gen. This is part of SG-1 Gen Fic Day, after all. :) This doesn't mean that mention of Jack's canon relationships is verboten. An author is welcome to mention, or even focus, upon Sara O'Neill or Laira or even Kerry. But no romance, please, and no AUs or alternate timelines. If in doubt, feel free to ask.

In the past, a few authors were confused by the obligations and the keywords, so I'll try to explain this clearly: the keywords are suggestions only, words that were submitted as prompts or came to mind as I typed this. If you're inspired to use one of the keywords for your fic, that's great! If a different idea strikes you, that's great, too. You do not have to use any of the keywords I've offered here, you do not have to get my approval for your keyword, and you certainly do not have to use multiple keywords just because I offered multiple suggestions!

Spread the word to your own flists, please. I'm looking forward to lots of great Jack fic!

ETA: All 26 letters have been claimed, but anyone is still welcome to write independent gen fic for SG-1 Gen Fic Day, which will be on October 27th.

A - alien, Abydos, anger, Air Force, alternate realities, Ancients, Academy, astronomy, apocalypse, Apophis, acorn, answers, antsy, Anubis, Anise, Air Force, artifact, Aschen
B - bomb, battle, beginning, Ba'al, Brat'ac, better, beer, bugs, big honkin' space gun, banished, betrayed, bedpan, briefing, Bregman, Burns, brigadier general
C - cabin, Cassie, Carter, career, Charlie, crystal, command, Chicago, career, comtraya, camel, closet, crossword, Catherine, colonel, clone, captured, cons, chess
D - Daniel, dogs, Dorothy, dogs, dogtags, danger, dungeon, dark, d'oh, diplomat, doohickey, doctor, destruction
E - evil, Earth, Euronda, Enkarans, elsewhere, everyday, example, energy, ego, element, eye candy
F - flight, flying, Fraiser, fidgets, fishing, footholds, fantastic, funny, Furling, flaky, Froot Loops, Felger, frustration, for cryin' out loud
G - gravity, General West, general, grave, grin, guns, Goa'uld, green, grift, gold, Guiness, grief
H - hell-hole, Hammond, Homer, Harlan, Hadante, Hathor, headsucker, hockey, honor, human, ha'shak, happy, hostile, hustle, hot, hat trick, Harry, Honduras
I - Iraq, infirmary, instinct, icy, insanity, island, incoming, ice, insolence, irritation
J - joke, joker, jet, Jonas, Jupiter, Jacob, jinx, jell-o, jail, Joe, jousting
K - killer, Kowalsky, kids, Kelowna, Kheb, Kanan, kids, Kinsey
L - Laira, legacies, losing, light, launch, laugh, look, Langford, loss, Loki, lottery, Langara
M - Minnesota, memo, mission, Merrin, Machello, magnets, Mary Steenburgen, mik'ta, Maybourne, Martice, mustard
N - Nox, Nem, next, never, nachos, NID, Nick, nanite, Neptune
O - orders, Oz, Osiris, Orban, orphan, oreos, opera, office, orb, ouch, Ori
P - prison, pie, peridot, P90, prince, pastime, paint, P3-whatever, pheremone, poison ivy, politician
Q - quiet, quick, Quinn, queen, quest, quaint, quintessential, quarks,
R - reports, robo-Jack, replicaters, repliCarter, roofs, revenge, Reece, roster, ruse, roadtrip, retirement, robot, Russian
S - Sara, Samantha, Simpsons, snakes, sniper, scientists, slave, sieve, staff, suicide, Skaara, silver, sarcastic, Sha're, squeal, sarcophagus
T - truck, trees, Teal'c, temper, telescope, team, time, tarry, tease, raining, truck, Tyler, Tollan, trust
U - universe, understood, unrest, unseal, Unas, unicorn, UAV, Uma Thurman, Urgo, urge, unity
V - victory, vanquished, vial, vile, vex, virgin, vital, Vala
W - worlds, watch, wings, wizard, what?, words, west, wheel, water, wormhole, wit, Webster's, wheel, whine
X - X-301, X-302, x-ray, X-treme, Xeron, xenophobe, xylem
Y - yeahsureyoubetcha, yo-yo, yellow, yummy, yadda, yell, yen
Z - zealous, Zales, zat, zebra, zoo, za'tarc, zits, zither, zoinks

alphabet soup

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