Happy SG-1 Gen Fic Day!
Not sure what I'm talking about? Take a look at previous round-ups for
Gen Fic Days and
Alphabet Soups.
Comment here with links to new fic, older fic, recs, meta, picspam, icons, vids - anything, as long as it's gen and related to SG-1. Shameless self-promotion is cheerfully encouraged! The theme of the day is time travel, although fanworks can involve any subject.
If you're linking to an older fic that's time-travel related, whether it's your own or a rec of someone else's, please note if it's connected to a specific canon time travel incident (1969, WoO, Moebius, Continuum, etc). In the roundup, I plan to arrange those links by episode. If the story isn't based on canon time travel, do be sure to link to it anyway. :)
If you're an Time Travel Soup contributor, this is where you post links to your story. If you're unsure of procedure, please take a quick look
here. Don't forget to e-mail me a copy of the story, too.
On Tuesday, I'll post a round-up of all links and (hopefully) the complete anthology of Time Travel Alphabet Soup.
Here's to SG-1 squee! A decade since the end of canon, and here we still are. :)