Who's interested in a new Soup? :)
Don't know what I'm talking about? Go
here. But don't start reading previous Soups unless you have a lot of time...
This time, the theme is time travel. This can be related to any canon-based temporal shenanigans (1969, Window of Opportunity, Moebius, Unending... I'm sure I'm missing an ep or three), an original time travel device of your own (as long as you close the loop to bring it back into canon at the end), or even a crossover with another time-travel type fandom (Doctor Who, Quantum Leap - again, bringing the team or characters involved back into canon). Fics can be pre-series, post-series, during the timeline of the show, or even all three. :)
At this point, I am not asking for volunteers to write fic, but only for keyword suggestions to help get the ball rolling. Please comment below with any single word prompts that you think might inspire an author to write a temporal fic. Offering prompts does not obligate you in any way to participate in the actual Soup.
I'm thinking of late February for the latest SG-1 Gen Fic Day, when the Soup fics would be due. Does anyone know of another popular fannish event that's happening then that might clash?