Happy SG-1 Gen Fic Day!

Feb 18, 2013 07:38

Happy Gen Fic Day, everybody!

Not sure what I'm talking about? Take a look at previous round-ups for Gen Fic Days and Alphabet Soups.

Comment here with links to new fic, older fic, commentfic and drabbles, recs, meta, picspam, vids - anything, as long as it's gen and related to SG-1. Shameless self-promotion is cheerfully encouraged! The theme of the day is Allies, although fanworks can involve any subject.

If you're an Allies Alphabet Soup contributor, this is where you post links to your story. If you're unsure of procedure, please take a quick look here.

On Tuesday, I'll post a round-up of all links and (hopefully) the complete anthology of Allies Alphabet Soup.

Have fun!

gen fic day

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