SG-1 Gen Fic Day round-up

Jul 11, 2010 19:31

Thanks to everyone who made our tenth Gen Fic Day such a wonderful success! Here's a round-up of all the teamy and genny goodness. :)

New fic

Team Alphabet Soup featured 26 delicious servings. The LJ version is abridged due to entry size constraints; the DW version is complete.

In Memoria by sg_fignewton. Five things Daniel did in Ancient Egypt to honor his team's memory. A bit angsty, with reference to canon character deaths.

Luck of the Draw by sg_wonderland. OC POV of SG-1, with bonus Ferretti!

G is for Generals by randomfreshink, who wrote two different versions of the letter G for the Team Soup. This one commemorates the various generals we meet in SG-1 in rhyme.

New vid

midvacent created a new teamy goodness vid in honor of the day: Go Team!

Older fic

I asked for links to older fic, with a special emphasis on team.

Two fics by da_angel729:

Midnight Toast. Jack and Janet friendship.

Betrayed. Drey'auc's story immediately after Teal'c's departure from Chulak.

Three fics by sallymn:

Returns. A birthday ficlet.

Once a Flyboy. Just for fun.

A Very Special Dig. Daniel has a new set of archaeologist friends in a rare crossover.


Several recs by da_angel729:

Evening The Odds by cleothemuse Summary: Colonel Reynolds is pretty sure he's doomed. A great story in the POV of one of my favorite minor characters as he ruminates on the luck of the SG Teams. Spoilers for Fallen.

Flights of Ingenuity by aurora_novarum Summary: Teal'c and Jack visit the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.. A great Jack & Teal'c friendship piece that I adore to death.

My first Jack rec this month at stargateficrec: General Necessity by Charli Booker A great story of Jack's feelings after Zero Hour.

And rachel500 linked to the master post from gate_women's 2010 ficathon.

Thanks again to all the participants! I think it made a lovely birthday gift for Daniel, don't you? :)

gen fic day

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