To boldly rec where none has recced before

Jul 14, 2010 22:55

So. I just posted Rec #600 at figs_sg1_rec and stargateficrec.

Six. Hundred. In just over four years.

Not bad for something that started with four little recs back in April 2006, huh? :)

Some statistics to amuse myself (and possibly you):

Out of 600 recs, only 19 are not gen: two Sam/Jack (gasp!), one Mitchell/other, one Sam/Pete, one Teal'c/Drey'auc, and 14 Daniel/Sha're. That's just over three percent. ::waves baton of Benevolent Dictatrix of the Realm of Ship-free Stargate in triumph::

237 are tagged as team. 320 are tagged as Seasons 1-5, with only 64 for Seasons 9-10. 220 are humor, but only three are tagged as crackfic. There are 156 recs tagged as drama, but only 64 tagged as hurt/comfort. Only 50 are tagged as AU - I always do like canon-compliant best! Ep-related, BTW, has 247 tags.

Daniel (surprise, surprise) has the largest number of individual tags with 337. Sam and Jack are only five recs apart, at 209 and 214 respectively. And I am personally disappointed to see that Teal'c comes in last of the classic team set at 173 tags, because I really thought I'd recced our favorite Jaffa more often than that. (This month, for example, I'm doing Teal'c and Vala friendship.) OTOH, my earlier (more Daniel-centric) recs tended to be obsessively tagged with each individual character, while many later recs were tagged only with the main POV character and "team" as a catch-all, so it's not completely objective.

It's been a wonderful ride in a fantastic fandom that just keeps thriving, despite its closed canon. ::salutes and squishes all of you::

I cordially invite you all to comment with SG-1 glee and squee to celebrate! Links, happy picspam, commentfic - I'll take 'em all. :)

sg-1 fic recs

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