To boldly rec where none has recced before

Jul 14, 2010 22:55

So. I just posted Rec #600 at figs_sg1_rec and Read more... )

sg-1 fic recs

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Comments 15

resurgamlaura July 14 2010, 21:13:19 UTC
And I am personally disappointed to see that Teal'c comes in last of the classic team set at 173 tags, because I really thought I'd recced our favorite Jaffa more often than that.

...OTOH, its 173 more than most people would have done and a whopping number of fic recs in its own right, yes? :P

And to celebrate, I believe that there was talk of cake...

... )


sg_fignewton July 15 2010, 11:09:31 UTC
Mmmm, cake. :D

I could say that I can only rec stories that people first write, but moar Teal'c plz!


resurgamlaura July 15 2010, 11:15:45 UTC
We need more Teal'c in general - although extra fic always helps.

*Looks hopeful and wishes for comment fic to come along*


aelfgyfu_mead July 14 2010, 21:17:46 UTC
I see some surprises in your recs! Aside from the fact that you've done six hundred recs, which is tremendous, I didn't realize you'd done any Sam/Jack (or any ship besides Teal'c/Drey'auc and Daniel/Sha're), or that you'd done so many AU. I have no doubt you've recced more Teal'c than anyone else (have you recced more than everyone else combined?)-there just aren't enough Teal'c stories!

Thank you for doing so much for the fandom (and for me, because I've gotten a lot out of your recs, and I'm thrilled that you've recced some of my stories)!


sg_fignewton July 15 2010, 11:12:54 UTC
Yeah, Sam/Jack kinda shocks me too. ;) One was a Moebius-in-Ancient-Egypt thing, when they knew they couldn't go back and Jack carved his resignation into a wall first. The other was just last month, and a pleasant surprise for me!

Poor Teal'c, sigh. Although I find it very funny that there are currently 5,479 memories over at Stargateficrec - which means number of recs - which means that yes, I have recced nearly eleven percent of all the recs on the comm. Hee hee hee.


hooloovoo_42 July 14 2010, 21:47:49 UTC


sg_fignewton July 15 2010, 11:13:15 UTC
Yay! :D


janedavitt July 14 2010, 22:34:00 UTC
Way to go! That's wonderful. You really are such a contributor to the fandom ::hugs you::


sg_fignewton July 15 2010, 11:13:55 UTC
Aw, thank you! ::hugs you back::


sallymn July 15 2010, 05:50:13 UTC
Definitely impressed :)


sg_fignewton July 15 2010, 11:14:17 UTC
Thanks! :)


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