It's hard to believe that it's time to start preparing the ingredients for our tenth
Alphabet Soup. :)
It all started back in March 2008, when we
Defined Sam from A to Z in honor of
abyssinia_4077's birthday. Since then, we're served eight more Alphabet Soups with eighty-seven different chefs, in a variety of flavors: Sam, Daniel, Teal'c, George, Jack, Janet, Jacob, Vala, and Jonas. Now, for our tenth rendition, we'll be making Team Alphabet Soup for next month's celebration of
SG-1 Gen Fic Day. Here's your chance to claim a letter!
This is how it works: the letters of the alphabet are available on a first come, first served basis. Comment and claim a letter - one letter per author only. I'll strike them out as they're claimed, but as long as you made your request first, the letter is yours. By making a claim, you are committing yourself to writing at least 100 words of team fic by July 8th - any flavor of team, from any season of SG-1.
On that day, comment with your fic in the SG-1 Gen Fic Day post, using the title as the subject of your comment (T is for Trees, P is for Plan B, K is for Kawhoosh). On July 9th, I'll collate all the ficlets in alphabetical order and post them together as a complete anthology.
(For more detailed instructions of the posting process, click
There are only four rules: your fic must be at least 100 words, although there is no maximum limit; it must be about the team, in any of its incarnations; the fic must be canon compliant, although it does not have to reference canon specifically and may be set in the pre-series or future eras; and it should be gen. This is part of SG-1 Gen Fic Day, after all. :)
An author is welcome to mention, or even focus, on canon relationships - for example, a fic in which Teal'c, Jack, and Daniel grill Pete ruthlessly while Sam silently promises to murder them would be welcome. :) But no romance, please, and no AUs or alternate timelines. If in doubt, feel free to ask.
The keywords are suggestions only. If you're inspired to use one of the keywords for your fic, that's great! If a different idea strikes you, that's great, too. You do not have to use any of the keywords I've offered here, you do not have to get my approval for your keyword, and you certainly do not have to use multiple keywords.
Please spread the word - I'm always delighted to have new authors join us (just as I'm ecstatic when loyal regulars join us for yet another round.) And if you're a newcomer signing up, make sure to mention it so I can welcome you properly. :)
Edit: Seven Six Just three one letters left: K. I've taken D for myself, but if you have the perfect D prompt that you must write, I'll be perfectly happy to trade and write about duct tape some other time. ;) And if you miss the chance to claim a letter, back-up writers are always very much appreciated.
All letters have now been claimed. If you still want to participate, back-up writers are always very much appreciated - and don't forget that non-Soup fics are welcome on Gen Fic Day, too!
A - artifacts, amazing, allies, Asgard, abilities, appreciating, apex, amalgamation
B - boredom, beginning, bravery, belief, bouncing ideas, baiting, beware
C - clothes, computer, celebration, captured, caught, coordinating, counseling, controlling, communicating
D - death, doohickey, DHD, domination, denial, delegating, distracting, diguising, determined, dedicated
E - enemies, escape, evil, enduring, explaining, excaberate, exasperating, embodying
F - food, fishing, friends, flagship, family, forceful, flaunt, frightening, fantastic, formidable, forbearing, fortunate, formulating
G - generals, ghost, greeting, grouching, ganging up, growing up
H - heroes, hockey, history, hobbies, happy, honor, history, humoring, hounding, herding, helping
I - infirmary, intelligence, ice, intimidating, incapacitating, incredible
J - joy, jokes, jolt, journeying, jockeying, joining, jogging
K - Kinsey, kill, knitting, knowledgeable
L - lessons, leadership, life, listening, learning, lying, living, leaving, loving, leaping
M - memorial, military, milestone, movie nights, magnets, mock, marching, moaning, manipulating, menacing, manacles
N - NID, necessity, net, noticing, notorious, nattering
O - Oprah, oops, open, observing, obnoxious, oblivious, ominous, oracles
P - pranks, pizza, premier, poke, problem solving, pondering, pandering, pacifying
Q - quirky, quest, query, quarrel, quoting
R - ruins, revenge, respect, reveal, rescue, research, resolving, resourceful, resonate, reproach, rash
S - story, soldier, Simpsons, souvenirs, Stargate, science, support, stall, signaling, sacrifice, solving, spying, secure, success
T - television, time, terrific, team, torture, tool, tromping, typing, teaching, trying, touching
U - understanding, ultimate, uneven, ubiquitous, untangling
V - vacation, valor, veil, verify, victorious, vanishing, vanquish
W - wow, wormhole, wound, wake, walking, wondering, warning, wander, wearing, whispering
X - xenial, xerox, X-treme
Y - years, yawn, yell, yearn, yowl
Z - zat, zeal, zapping, zeroing, zoning out, zany