!Friday Snippet #2 from GeonnCannon

Aug 12, 2011 16:30

I went back and forth on what to use this week, but I finally decided to give people a quick peek at an original character that I introduced in the story. She plays a small but relatively important role in the story as the head of the Berlin Sanctuary, which is in a state of disarray and incompleteness due to the war. Hopefully I'll use Eva in ( Read more... )

!fridaysnippets, author:geonncannon

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geonncannon August 17 2011, 01:15:34 UTC
Oooooo, interesting!

I keep hearing about a possible HG spinoff, and I hope it happens if just so I can see her without watching WH13 (I don't much care for the two leads of WH13). And if it's set in Victorian times, maybe Helen and The Five could make appearances! Fingers crossed!


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