Hullo~ Been lurking on here for a while... time for an intro. I've been into Lolita for a very long time but only recently got a sewing machine and shall attempt to make my own clothes. (Seeing as how I doubt my mother would think it a wise investment for me to buy a two/three hundred dollar dress every month or so...) Though I have always been very into fashion and have a lot of lolita inspired clothing pieces in my closet already, I am starting completely from scratch regarding a real lolita wardrobe...
Okee~ So I didn't have a pattern to use so I just kinda winged it hehe.... This is kinda just a practice piece to see if I could actually make anything wearable... But yush! First dress I've ever made.... Sorry if this is too many pictures.... Tried to get a variety of shots in before it started pouring rain....
Wind plus hair = whhhhaaaattt?
Bad lighting... it was about to rain so I only got a few shots... D:
LUMINESCENT CLEAVAGE!!! Waitaminute, I don't have cleavage...
Bodice.... With removable bow~~~
Sneeze in 3...2...1.... And yeah I am wearing stockings... Not THAT naturally pale hahah~~~
Me and mah dress so pale we GLOW!