Ganglion Pain

Sep 27, 2007 00:25

Today I had an appointment at the surgeon's. About a ganglion I had at my right wrist. I went there to have him look at it and have him decide whato do about it: wait and see, puncture it or surgically remove it.

I was there, I got my wrist x-rayed and then he decided: Ah, wth, let's do it right now. O.o
So he decided to drain the jelly via aspiration. Aka he stuck a needle in it and sucked the joint lubrication fluid/jelly straight out of it.

JESUS FUCK! That hurts! Like a little birth in my wrist.


Now, I can't really move my hand without it feeling nasty. It's not really pain... it's weird. Pain-ish?

Anyway. Flist? Baby me? Comment with fun things?

scheiße, rl, meh

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