He's allergic to everything. .....(Seahorsie: I'm H²O intolerant. *sneeze*)

Sep 27, 2007 22:26

Hoo boy. I was just planning tomorrow's Goodbye-Chris-Have-Fun-In-Spain Brunch with Thomas my other male flat mate.

He's allergic, you know.

So, we're planning a normal breakfast and then decided to cook a gratin. Easy. Take some noodles, boil em, take some bacon, fry it, take some cheese, shredder it. Toss the noodles and the bacon into a baking pan, pour cream over that, add curry, salt and pepper and cover it with the cheese.


Thomas is allergic, you know.

So, No cream: Lactose-intolerant.
No bacon: He's allergic to pork. (Yeah, wth, I know.)
No cheese: Lactose again.
No curry: Another allergen.
No normal noodles: There could be eggs in them.

Jesus. O_O

We decided to bake pizzas then.

wtf, rl

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