He's allergic to everything. .....(Seahorsie: I'm H²O intolerant. *sneeze*)

Sep 27, 2007 22:26

Hoo boy. I was just planning tomorrow's Goodbye-Chris-Have-Fun-In-Spain Brunch with Thomas my other male flat mate ( Read more... )

wtf, rl

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Comments 13

fragilecat September 27 2007, 20:44:22 UTC
wtf......................... schlimm


severusslave September 27 2007, 22:27:19 UTC
Jo. o.O


bibliofilen September 27 2007, 20:47:31 UTC
Sounds like my neighbour. Try a wok? Just fry ginger, whatever vegetables are at hand (and perhaps non-porky meat), and add spice, couscous or bulgur and coconut-milk. Very tasty.


severusslave September 27 2007, 23:41:01 UTC
That sounds delicious! :D


tmz_cori September 27 2007, 21:12:34 UTC
lol ooooh my!

Aber auf Pizza ist doch auch Käse? *duck und wegrenn*


severusslave September 27 2007, 22:45:27 UTC
Der darf die selber kochen, der spezielle Extra-Teller mensch. Echt. :P Der wird schon wissen was er tut.


springwoof September 27 2007, 21:45:19 UTC
have some pity on the allergic and lactose-intolerant, please. We don't *choose* to have food sensitivities, they're a burden we have to put up with. I'm sure your flatmate would be happy to eat your food if he could. I couldn't eat your wonderful-sounding gratin either. :(


severusslave September 27 2007, 23:43:15 UTC
Oh, it wasn't supposed to sound hurtful. It's just... There was so much intense situation comedy I had to share it.

We decided on pizza then because Itold him I do not want to cook a meal that will kill him. :( And that dish was like tasty death to him. And I chose it, of course. :P


springwoof September 28 2007, 01:48:26 UTC
that dish was like tasty death to him

yis, as if you'd offered Lemon Chicken to Rodney McKay...


severusslave September 28 2007, 13:36:13 UTC
:P Yes.


lurasa September 30 2007, 11:23:29 UTC
ach du scheiße... das macht ja dann echt keinen spaß


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