Jan 01, 2004 16:11

A/N: This was my first fandom to write in, thus, lots of the old fic here is pretty... bad. Just saying.

A Summer Yet To Come
Radek Zelenka/John Sheppard, NC17, 3870 words
Summary: A story about the lives of John Sheppard and Radek Zelenka years after the Atlantis mission. A peaceful story, a sexy story, a story with cherries in it.

The Tale of the Boy, His Music and His Family
Rodney McKay, Gen, 1560 words, modern fairy tale, mentioning of domestic abuse
Summary: Once upon a time, in the 1970s, there was a young boy who fell in love with music.

The Stranger In Front Of Him
Rodney McKay/Carson Beckett, PG, 460 words
Summary: Carson and Rodney, sitting in a Starbucks, s-i-p-p-i-n-g...

Time to Start the Day
Aiden Ford/John Sheppard, PG13, 1500 words
Summary: In which it is early morning and our protagonist wakes up, is lazy, cuddles up to his lover...

Discordant Notes
Rodney McKay/Carson Beckett, PG, 570 words
Summary: Rodney tries to cope with the fact that he's deaf. As does Carson. AU.

The Smell of Both
Rodney McKay/Radek Zelenka, NC17, ARTWORK of the written kind

In Which Rodney Thinks He Is In A Bad X-Files Episode
Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex, R, 730 words
Summary: Badficathon prompt: -- oh noes! flagship team meet a race of aliens who feed Mckay something. No, not citrus, an alien gene manipulator called, Redbull. it gives you wings. *G*

Changes and Consequences
John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, R, 2300 words, Mpreg
Summary: The next morning, though, as Rodney fished the discarded, knotted condom from under the bed, he discovered that, although perfect for him and John, the sex had been too rough for the little piece of latex.

No Time, No Time
Rodney McKay/Radek Zelenka, PG13, 310 words
Summary: Then there was the ZPM. And the battle.

Hidden Spots
John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, R, 400 words each, ENGLISH and GERMAN versions
Summary: Rodney had made finding John's hidden hot spots his new favourite hobby.

Fresh, Crisp December Wind
Carson Beckett/Rodney McKay, PG13, 550 words
Summary: When Carson opened the door to their apartment in London, he expected to find Rodney waiting for him with a hot pot of coffee ready and a cookie between his teeth - the same way he always greeted Carson when he came home.

Clump of Clay
John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, PG13, 600 words
Summary: John Sheppard enrolled in an art class that originally was to be about oil painting. An easy A or B on his report card. Now though...

His Favourite Toy
Radek Zelenka/John Sheppard, NC17, 300 words
Summary: Of course it is the feather again tonight, Radek thought as he felt its tip tickle his left inner thigh...

Golden Rings
Radek Zelenka/John Sheppard, NC17, 360 words plus extra scene in the comments
Summary: Two men, two golden wedding bands.

Radek Zelenka/John Sheppard, NC17, 1100 words
Summary: Major Sheppard couldn't possibly have been more obvious and fake-stealthy when he came and tried to kidnap Radek out of the labs right under McKay's eyes than he did right now.

About Embarrassing Baby Photos and Puddle-Jumping Puddle Jumpers
McKay/Beckett, Sheppard/Stackhouse, PG, 1040 words
Summary: ... and then suddenly Stackhouse grinned, looked around to us, shut off the inertial dampers and rolled the fucking jumper sideways thrice! I mean, I loved it...

Private Porn Olympics
Sheppard/McKay, Heightmeyer/OFC + Foursome, NC17, 3840 words
Summary: Private Porn Olympics. Disciplines: Self-pleasure, twosome, threesome, orgy, het, gay and lesbian sex.

Café-Latte-Coloured Satin
Radek Zelenka/Rodney McKay, NC17, 2486 words
Summary: Radek looked big and almighty on top of him. But he also looked good and right there, as well as competent. Rodney liked competence.

Splish Splash
Radek Zelenka/Major Lorne, NC17, 1053 words
Summary: Major Lorne was one man that could make a scientist want to believe in God when underneath him.

His Toes
Radek Zelenka/Ronon Dex, NC17, 700 words
Summary: A man could reduce Radek to a helplessly moaning body that was all about pleasure, with one simple thing.

Women's Joy
Teyla Emmagan, Self-love, Nc17, 400 words
Summary: Lesh fruit was known as women's joy on Athos.

Snow White - you can call me John - and the Seven Dwarfs
John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, PG13, 1400 words
Summary: Snow White SGA slash crack!fic. Beware of the kitsch.

Diagnosis: Love
Rodney McKay/Carson Beckett, PG13, 4600 words
Summary: Harlequin; Nurse McKay and paediatrician Beckett meet each other for the first time over a cup of coffee in the hospital's cafeteria. Both are completely smitten with the other. Will they find to each other?

With Different You Mean
Sheppard/McKay/Beckett, NC17, 1000 words
Summary: More, more and even more sexin'. PWP.

And One Mr Spock
Zelenka/Sheppard/Rodney McKay, R, 7850 words
Summary: If Radek would have been asked to say how the hell it came to be that he, Dr McKay and Colonel Sheppard got together, he would refer to McKay's blatant stealing of one of his shirts and one Mr Spock, mutter something in Czech, grin lecherously and then leave the person who asked even more confused standing there in the hallway.

John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, NC17, 1233 words
Summary: Rodney knew that Sheppard was weird. Rodney could deal with weird. Rodney dealt with weird on a daily basis. Rodney knew weird.

Fairy Tale Creatures Series
John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Carson Beckett, Radek Zelenka, NC17, 2633 words
Summary: This series is an set in an AU in which magical creatures exist. Creatures that are able to disguise themselves as human beings.

You know what? I don't care. - Series
Various Slash & Het, NC17, 2671 words
Summary: "You know what? I don't care," say the various characters and then do something cool.

TABLE for au100
Claim: Carson Beckett/Rodney McKay
50 AUs

TABLE for smut_69
Claim: Zelenka/all male SGA characters
69 smutlets

USA 0:3 CZ
SGA, Radek Zelenka/John Sheppard, NC17, Football World Championship 2006

SGA, Elizabeth Weir, PG

The Heat of Coffee
SGA, Rodney McKey/Radek Zelenka, R

War; It Makes You Do Things
SGA, John Sheppard/Carson Beckett, PG13

SGA, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex, PG13

The Horrors of the Day
SGA, Elizabeth Weir/Teyla Emmagan, R, 200 words

SGA, Rodney McKay/Radek Zelenka/Carson Beckett, PG13

Thrash Metal Headaches
SGA, Rodney McKay/Kavanaugh, G, 300 words

With Halling
SGA, Kavanagh/Halling, PG

The Chernobyl Blue Super Gizmo
SGA, Rodney Mckay/John Sheppard/Radek Zelenka, PG, 250 words

He Was Listening
SGA, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, PG, 175 words

The Smell of Old, Yellowed and Dog-eared Pages
SGA, John Sheppard, PG13, 300 words

SGA, John Sheppard, G, 200 words

Condensed Breath
SGA, John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, PG13

SGA, John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, NC17

Death by Chocolate
SGA, John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, NC17

SGA, Team, G

SGA, Rodney McKay, Radek Zelenka




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