Music Meme

Nov 23, 2005 13:01

Music Meme:

1) On your current playlist, hit shuffle and pick the first twenty-five songs on the list (no matter how cheesy or embarrassing ( Read more... )


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severusslave November 23 2005, 22:32:13 UTC
Shep + Flying:

As he was nine years old, John Sheppard would have never thought that he was to become a pilot later in his life. He hated flying.

Well, he didn't really hate flying because he never flew before, but still. When flying you had to be way up high in the sky. And way up high wasn't anywhere young Sheppard wanted to be.

No way.

He was supposed to be on the ground. To stay on the ground!

But he wasn't allowed to. Not at the moment anyway.

John felt as if he had to puke any moment. His knees were wobbly, his stomach was churning and his hands were sweaty from cold sweat and clinging to the metal railing of the pool's three-meter board.

See, nine-years-old John Sheppard was afraid of heights and climbing the three-meter board was higher than he had ever been in his life.

A minute later, though, he would feel for the first time ever the incredible and addicting feeling of being weightless. Of flying.

He would fall in love with it at once.


trobadora November 23 2005, 22:50:21 UTC
Oooh, he's so cute!

Thank you!


severusslave November 23 2005, 23:10:06 UTC
You're welcome, honey. :D

I had thought: skinny, kid!Shep chickening out and afraid of heigths - Fun!


trobadora November 26 2005, 13:20:41 UTC
It's a great idea that he had to discover it - that he didn't just always love flying. I don't think I've seen that before!

Sorry for replying so late - stupid LJ is still eating comments.


severusslave November 26 2005, 14:07:42 UTC
*curtsies* Thanks!

Isn't it just nasty?


ria_kukalaka November 26 2005, 12:50:09 UTC
awww i *love* this - most fics have Shep born flying. It's nice to see a different explanation.


severusslave November 26 2005, 14:08:31 UTC
Thanks! :D


toniabarone November 26 2005, 21:22:08 UTC
Okay, this is just perfect. Why? Because it doesn't have John loving to fly from birth. That he's quite sure he'll hate it just novel. At least I can't remember reading anything similar. Thanks for this.


severusslave November 26 2005, 21:37:13 UTC
Thanks, hon. :D


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