Two ficlets: Grey's Anatomy and House

Feb 08, 2007 01:01

Title: Full Disclosure
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Cristina/Burke
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Summary: There are, of course, people she has to tell.

Full Disclosure )

house, grey's anatomy, my fic

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Comments 39

bea_j February 8 2007, 06:34:28 UTC
You are my favorite person right now.
this was so beautiful.

i love how cristina hung up on her mom. hehe. that's my girl.

i love how she's considering having a wedding ceremony if only to get meredith to wear a hideous dress.

Cristina hopes Callie moves into Meredith’s house, and walks around naked all the time.
bwahaha. this cracked me up.

bailey's reaction would so be the reaction of the bailey i love.;)

“Daddy I’m getting married.”
aww.. this made me tear up.
just a lil bit. :)

in other words, i love everything about it.
fantastic work!
i'm so glad to see you writing bang fic again. :)


severuslovesme February 8 2007, 23:43:51 UTC
Aww thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it ;)

I really do want to see Meredith in a really ugly bridesmaid dress - it seems like such a Cristina move.


amaliak February 8 2007, 06:55:39 UTC
That was wonderful. And thanks for not making this OMGCAMERONISEVILANDMUSTDIE!Fic.


severuslovesme February 8 2007, 23:44:46 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :D

Yeah Cameron's not evil, just a little confused and a little lovesick. Not evil!


tree February 8 2007, 07:29:46 UTC
oh, the house ficlet is so subtle and well done. and i love your header. yay for kara/lee :)


severuslovesme February 8 2007, 23:45:19 UTC
Thanks for reading!

Yeah Kara/Lee owns me. :D


ex_housecudd821 February 8 2007, 07:33:46 UTC
I think that my eyes are going to be sore from rolling every time Cameron tells herself she’s over House. Hehe. Great job.


severuslovesme February 8 2007, 23:45:47 UTC
Thanks for reading! :D


your_chair February 8 2007, 09:33:48 UTC
I LOVED your House fic! It's so cleverly written, from Cameron's point of view. EEEeee. I loved it. I read it twice lol :D

BTW, [sorry to be annoying] just a typo that I'd like to point out, "arijuana and amphetamines found in the home." I think you missed the 'M'. Sorry. I'm just pedantic like that.

That fic was awesome :D I loved the way how Cameron, while she was writing up the patient's chart, she was observing House and Cuddy, and trying to diagnose their situation herself. Hee.


severuslovesme February 8 2007, 23:47:24 UTC
Thanks so much for pointing out the typo, I must have accidentally messed it up when I was trying to code things :/

I'm so glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun trying to write House/Cuddy from Cameron's point of view, cause she's got to have an opinion, right? :D


your_chair February 9 2007, 06:17:19 UTC
Lol, yeah. It's great to see Cameron trying new things this season, and being a bit more outspoken. I admit it can get a little annoying and frustrating at times, but it's needed for her character development.


severuslovesme February 9 2007, 07:40:57 UTC
I definitely am liking 'sassy' Cameron this season. I can live without 'self-righteous' Cameron though!


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