Two ficlets: Grey's Anatomy and House

Feb 08, 2007 01:01

Title: Full Disclosure
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Cristina/Burke
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Summary: There are, of course, people she has to tell.

There are, of course, people she has to tell.

Her mother’s response is more of an atonal shriek, and Cristina puts the phone down for a few minutes to ensure the continued survival of her eardrums. When she picks it back up her mother is talking excitedly, completely unconcerned that Cristina hasn’t responded.

The minute Cristina hears the words ‘400-person-guest list’ she hangs up the phone. That settles it. They’re eloping. Maybe George and Callie could recommend a nice place in Vegas.

Her mother calls back.

Meredith is quiet for a minute before saying “seriously?” like someone kicked her puppy. Cristina really, really doesn’t want to have a conversation about how they’ll still be friends and this won’t change anything, because please. She’s still Cristina. She hasn’t changed, and she won’t change, even with a ring on her finger. Ok not an engagement ring, but she doubts Burke will let her get away with giving back their wedding ring.

Meredith makes a few more pathetic noises before smiling and saying she’s happy for them. That’s more like it. If she’s going to get married, everyone is going to damn well be happy about it.

But when Meredith starts laughing about throwing a wedding shower and picking out china patterns, Cristina thinks maybe they’ll have to have a ceremony, if only so she can force Meredith to wear a really hideous dress.

Izzie immediately demands to see the ring, and becomes confused when Cristina explains that there is no ring.
“He didn’t get you a ring?” Izzie’s horrified face implies that this is worse than George and Callie’s marriage.
“Of course he got me a ring. I just choose not to wear it. Or whatever.” Cristina keeps walking, and also scowling.
“But, why?” Izzie is completely baffled. Cristina hopes Callie moves into Meredith’s house, and walks around naked all the time.

Bailey’s reply is predictably deadpan, and has George and Izzie giggling to each other all during rounds. Cristina ignores them because as soon as everyone wasn’t looking Bailey whispered her congratulations. And also that she’d better try her best not to screw it up.

Which is a fair point.

She feels pretty stupid, sitting alone in their bedroom, talking to her dead dad. But he’s still her dad, and she thinks he would want to know.
“Daddy I’m getting married.”


Title: Differential
Fandom: House
Pairing: House/Cuddy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Summary: Cameron doesn’t like watching House talk to Cuddy.

Cameron doesn’t like watching House talk to Cuddy.

Name: Stephen Michael Andrews, Age: 29
She focuses her attention instead on the chart in front of her. The patient needs their attention now.

Complaint: Dizziness, stomach pain, difficulty breathing
MRI and chest X-ray were clear
It has nothing to do with liking House or being intimidated by Cuddy. She doesn’t like House anymore, and ok, Cuddy is still intimidating but she’s not prohibitively terrifying. It’s the two of them together.

Starting a few months ago the relationship between them had changed; the frequent teasing had grown a sharper edge and the jokes were meant to wound and not to amuse. She started averting her eyes whenever Cuddy entered the room because the guilt and anger that were buried not so far beneath the surface tended to come up for air on most days, during most confrontations.

So Cameron got in the habit of studiously looking the other way and attempting not to hear.

Blood pressure: 90/50 hypotensive
Now though her habit is serving her well but not well enough, because it’s plain to see, even if it’s only out of the corner of her eye, that things have shifted again. There is tension still, but not the tension of hurt and blame and rage.

No, this tension has sparks and means that sometimes she sees House smile twice in one day. It means that there are these stupid bets now, and House pulls even more ridiculous stunts than usual to win them. Cuddy doesn’t seem to realize that she’s encouraging his insanity. Or maybe she doesn’t care.

It also means they all spend a lot more time in the lobby, or the clinic, or anywhere that Cuddy might just happen to turn up.

Overnight O2 sats: 92
Dropped to 89 at 2:37 am, intubated at 2:39
They are loitering by the nurses’ station now, for no apparent reason, and when she asks why House only rolls his eyes and tells her to think out of the box. He says it while sitting on the desk, trying unsuccessfully to balance his cane on the back of his hand. It has already hit nurse Brenda twice.

Cameron would have responded except Cuddy has just stormed out of her office and dragged House to the opposite corner, and she guesses that that was the reason.

When Cuddy stops chastising to draw breath House interrupts with a leer and a gesture towards Cuddy’s top. Cameron can tell he’s being rude, even though she’s not really watching, she’s trying to find the latest O2 sats on their patient’s chart.

She thought that even House, who lives to create shock and dismay, had a saturation point for sexual innuendo. But the more he sees Cuddy the more he talks about her, and the more he talks about her the more lewd and inappropriate his jokes become. Cameron’s eyes are getting sore from all the rolling they’ve been doing lately.

She glances at Chase and Foreman, who are pretending to be engaged in the files open in front of them. Chase is chewing on his pencil. Foreman scribbles a note in the margin. She wonders why they all always assumed House was joking about Cuddy.

Tox Screen: clear
Marijuana and amphetamines found in the home
She used to lump the comments in with everything else House said that was completely uncalled for and designed to provoke, like taunts about Chase’s hair and her husband and Foreman’s police record. So basically, everything that came out of his mouth. The idea that maybe he’s not joking, has never been joking, well it trips her up a little.

Not because she still likes him, she’s over House, completely over him. That’s what she tells herself when her breath catches at little when he looks at her sometimes, blue eyes bright and focused. Also, their patient’s tox screen was negative. She is over him.

She just doesn’t like watching him talk to Cuddy.

Diagnosis: ?

house, grey's anatomy, my fic

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