Kids, Lost, Music

Nov 07, 2005 00:10

So today the family went to my sister's place to celebrate birthdays. Four children (ages 6, 5, 3, 2) two teenagers, and 6 adults in two rooms. Yikes. Day went well but kids are loud, man. Yeah they are just being *kids* but I was soooo ready to get home to my nice quiet peaceful apartment. I love living alone. LOVE ( Read more... )

family, meme, tv: lost

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Comments 14

_alicesprings November 7 2005, 09:59:46 UTC
I couldn't agree more with your thoughts on Lost. ITA :))


severina2001 November 7 2005, 16:00:44 UTC
Cool. I love when people agree with me. ;)


scatterheart November 7 2005, 10:06:41 UTC
I agree almost 100% with your Lost thoughts (except I can totally see chemistry between Sawyer/Sayid and to some extent Sawyer/Jack, too)

Wow, I don't listen to much new stuff, do I?
Hey, why listen to crappy new stuff when there's so much good old stuff? :D And thanks for doing the meme, your list is quite interesting. :x


severina2001 November 7 2005, 16:03:51 UTC
There's alpha-male pseudo-macho posturing between Sawyer and Jack, yes. I think I will be thankful that I don't see sexual sparks. ;)

Hey, why listen to crappy new stuff when there's so much good old stuff?

This is so true. There's this one song that plays on the radio at work *every single night* where the singer is going on and on about "How could this happen to me, I'm sick of this life..." blah blah blah whine whine whine. I just want to shoot him to put him out of his whiney misery.


theiax November 7 2005, 11:58:49 UTC
Aw, I love it that you are only watching s1 Lost now too, although I'm watching on TV so you are quickly getting ahead of me. I adored Hurley, Sawyer not so much yet, but no doubt I will. He's a lot sexier than Jack that's for sure.

You certainly have an eclectic taste in music!


severina2001 November 7 2005, 16:05:53 UTC
Hurley love YAY! Also, hell, *anyone* is a lot sexier than Jack. Hurley is sexier than Jack, and I mean that most sincerely.

You certainly have an eclectic taste in music!

"Eclectic" is exactly the word I use to describe it! It sounds much nicer than "schizoprenic". ;)


bliss_ November 7 2005, 15:08:15 UTC
He and Kate have a lot of sexual tension -- she fits with him so much more than Jack.

I love you even more now!!! :D


severina2001 November 7 2005, 16:07:08 UTC
Heh Heh. But... *looks at your icon*... are you a Kate fan? Because at this point, I think saddling anyone with her would be just cruel. ;)


bliss_ November 7 2005, 16:09:56 UTC
LOL I may be the only Katie fan out there, but I really do like her. I guess I feel sorry for her in a way....

I do totally ship her and Sawyer as well...which also makes me a minority!


severina2001 November 8 2005, 20:02:35 UTC
I do totally ship her and Sawyer as well...which also makes me a minority!

It surprises me that Sawyer/Kate is the minority .


teisfortiger November 7 2005, 20:47:09 UTC
but the only twinges of m/m sexual tension I can possibly see if I squint a little are Boone/Locke. And I really don't ever want to read Locke fic. Ever.

Oh but why? Locke is so damn interesting. There are few B/L fics out there, but some of them are sooooooooo good. They're the first pairing to catch my attention since B/J, and Cowlip did such a thorough job at destroying that one, that the rare B/L fic popping up once in a while is all I have to look forward too. le sigh :(


severina2001 November 8 2005, 20:04:51 UTC
Locke is creepy. And Boone is young enough to be his grandson, or close to it. And also, have I mentioned that Locke is creepy?


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