A little update

Nov 08, 2023 18:23

Things are pretty good here. Still using the old computer and have had one more 'Aw snap' but I restarted the computer and it was fine (knock wood ( Read more... )

christmas 2023, family, minions, work, snick

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Comments 5

asphaltcowgrrl November 9 2023, 18:56:56 UTC
Oh no on the file! But these things happen, so don't be too hard on yourself. If it's any consolation, I had to do payroll a day early this week (Friday is Veteran's Day so the banks are closed) and it was hectic. Got a call from one of our guys this morning and I missed adding 8 hours of overtime to his check. UGH. Got it taken care of and he'll get his money on Monday, but that was $600 he didn't get. So, yeah, mistakes happen.

I love the Minions! And that ornament is too cute.


severina2001 November 15 2023, 16:04:04 UTC
Oh my gosh, years ago when I did payroll I missed holiday pay on a couple of occasions. I'm so glad I had a pretty easygoing staff!

Yay Minions!


asphaltcowgrrl November 16 2023, 18:43:04 UTC
Yeah, it's always nice when your employees know you didn't do it on purpose. LOL


gaedhal November 11 2023, 05:31:22 UTC
I LOVE the Minions!


severina2001 November 15 2023, 16:04:25 UTC


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