A little update

Nov 08, 2023 18:23

Things are pretty good here. Still using the old computer and have had one more 'Aw snap' but I restarted the computer and it was fine (knock wood.)

I had one work issue in which I apparently lost my mind and let a file get through with tons of errors -- I seriously don't even know, except it was the day that I wasn't feeling well -- and of COURSE that's the random file that gets chosen to get graded. Luckily I had a grade forgiveness voucher left over from two years ago, so I applied that and now I feel better. But now I'm paranoid and am triple-checking everything, which of course means it takes longer to get through a file.

On the good side though, I got accepted into the Legal transcription section so now I have access to quality legal files that others don't get. There is literally 30+ pages of guideline instructions as to how they must be formatted, but I seriously love them.

Last weekend I got together with persnickett for a outdoor Christmas bazaar and lunch and drinks, which was super fun. And today I met up with my sister Margie, because tomorrow our local transit goes on strike! The last strike we had here was in '98/'99 and lasted 12 weeks, so Margie and I wanted to get together just in case. Since neither of us drive (me) or have access to a car (her), if it's another long one we won't be able to see each other again until Christmas (which, ouch, that cab fare is not going to be fun.)

Margie had told me that she bought me a present the other day, which I assumed she meant for Christmas. Nope, she brought it today!

Advent Calendar!

Stuart Christmas tree ornament! He takes a battery and sings too, but I haven't installed that yet. SO CUTE. Now I have Bob and Stuart... only Kevin left to find, lol!

So all in all it's been a good week. Because I've gone out more than usual it means that I've had to make up for that time by working longer on the other days, there's been a couple where I've worked till 11pm, so that's why I wasn't around for a few days. But at least it was because of fun stuff this time!

I am sooooo eager to put my tree up. I am making myself wait until the last weekend in November.. I hope.

christmas 2023, family, minions, work, snick

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