Wednesday Reading Meme

Oct 12, 2022 10:39

What I Just Finished Reading: After two weeks of only reading one book in a week, I got back on track. Since last Wednesday I read Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier, Precious Cargo by Craig Davidson, and It's a Wonderful Woof by Spencer Quinn. Reviews below.

What I'm Reading Right Now: I'm reading a zombie book in honour of Hallowe'en. Like I need ( Read more... )

reading challenge: four moon reviews, reading challenge: lost challenges, author: c, reading challenge: prompt a month, reading challenge: challenge factory, author: s, reading: wednesday reading meme, author: j

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Comments 5

gilda_elise October 13 2022, 12:08:37 UTC
I love when authors take an old story and make it new. Heart's Blood really does sound interesting.

And Chet and Bernie are back!


severina2001 October 14 2022, 14:41:55 UTC
It was soooo good. I was surprised actually on how much I enjoyed it.

Love me some Chet. I'm waiting on the final book now at the library. There's a line up!


asphaltcowgrrl October 13 2022, 21:53:54 UTC
Yay for two really good books!


severina2001 October 14 2022, 14:42:52 UTC
Especially one that I had no expectations for and surprised me how good it was. Gotta love that!


asphaltcowgrrl October 14 2022, 20:44:21 UTC
Those are always the best. :)


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