Wednesday Reading Meme

Oct 12, 2022 10:39

What I Just Finished Reading: After two weeks of only reading one book in a week, I got back on track. Since last Wednesday I read Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier, Precious Cargo by Craig Davidson, and It's a Wonderful Woof by Spencer Quinn. Reviews below.

What I'm Reading Right Now: I'm reading a zombie book in honour of Hallowe'en. Like I need an excuse to read a zombie book. It's called Plague of the Undead by ol' stalwart Joe McKinney, and so far it's a bit uninspiring.

What I Plan To Read Next: Finally going to get to the third book in the Revivors trilogy, Element Zero by James Knapp, so I can get it back to the library.

94. Heart’s Blood by Juliet Marillier

A brilliant novel inspired by Beauty and the Beast. When her father dies, Caitrin flees the abuse of distant relatives and takes a job as a scribe for Anluan and his motley household, which has been cursed to be haunted by spectres whose violence is only barely kept in check by Anluan’s will. It’s Caitrin who sees their lost humanity. This is a slow-burn romance, a thriller, a mystery and a tale that will tug on your heartstrings. Each character is precisely drawn and I was eagerly caught up in their stories. It even made me cry. This was so much more than I expected, and I will definitely be looking for more of this author’s work.

Dates Read: October 01 to 05, 2022
Page Count: 371

5 out of 5 stars

Four Moon Challenge 30 - a retelling
Lost Challenges Clean It Out 04 - one book that will help with a difficult challenge
Lost Challenges Read The Quote 2022 - O - Oval Mirror
Lost Challenges Pyramid of Books - Task Two - Read 2 books of 300+ pages (01/02)


95. Precious Cargo: My Year of Driving the Kids on School Bus 3077 by Craig Davidson

Author Davidson, who also writes under the pen name Nick Cutter, pens this autobiographical story of his year as a bus driver for special needs kids. The year is pretty damned uneventful. Though several of the kids have a propensity for elaborate lies they are still reasonably well-behaved, and nothing much happens to write home about. Or write a book about, as the case may be. Since these are real kids that’s a good thing for them and their lives, but as a reader it’s a dull affair.

Dates Read: October 05 to 07, 2022
Page Count: 400

2 out of 5 stars

Four Moon Challenge 38 - has pictures
Prompt-A-Month September - Back to School
Lost Challenges Clean It Out October 05 - read a free book on your ereader
Lost Challenges Read The Quote 2022 - I - Illustration
Lost Challenges Pyramid of Books - Task 2 - read 2 books of 300+ pages (02/02) - Task 2 complete


96. It’s A Wonderful Woof by Spencer Quinn

Book 12 of the series (!!) finds Chet & Bernie drawn into an investigation when Bernie feels guilty after he refers a case to a rather desk-bound detective friend who ends up missing. It ends up involving archaeology (sort of) and art, neither of which Bernie has any knowledge of. Loyal as ever Chet has some wonderful asides and flights of imagination in this one so he’s adorable as ever, and the mystery itself is easy to follow if a bit boring. Four big Slim Jims for Chet, though!

Dates Read: October 07 to 09, 2022
272 pages

4 out of 5 stars

Challenge Factory Finish What You Started - October pick
Lost Challenges Clean It Out October 02 - read one book from a series you have started but not finished
Lost Challenges Read The Quote 2022 - Y - Yuletide Decorations
Lost Challenges Pyramid of Books - Task 15 - read 15 books in a series (01/15)


reading challenge: four moon reviews, reading challenge: lost challenges, author: c, reading challenge: prompt a month, reading challenge: challenge factory, author: s, reading: wednesday reading meme, author: j

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