Quick Update and a Book

Aug 13, 2022 19:53

Well, I've just finished my first week staying at my sister and brother-in-law's apartment. So far things are going well, I think. I'm pretty sure I'm not annoying them too much. Working is a *little* difficult because I'm sitting at their dining room table. Between the small table (reaching for the mouse) and the hard chairs, it's a bit painful. ( Read more... )

reading challenge: lost challenges, family, author: p, work, apartment

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Comments 5

gilda_elise August 14 2022, 11:48:32 UTC
It's good to hear that you're settling in well at your sisters. Just too bad there's work to do!

And glad to hear that the book series is living up to expectations. That's always good, especially in a series. Hopefully, things will continue to do so.


severina2001 August 15 2022, 22:17:20 UTC
Right? It would be so nice to be relaxing and visiting. Ah well!

Thanks! Hopefully I'll get to the next one next month.


asphaltcowgrrl August 15 2022, 19:47:32 UTC
Happy to hear that things are going well for you. Hoping your niece can get customer service whipped into shape. :)


severina2001 August 15 2022, 22:18:10 UTC
Thanks! She said she will do it. I just have to sit down now and send her a long email explaining everything. Hopefully I can get to that tomorrow!


asphaltcowgrrl August 17 2022, 21:20:41 UTC
Awesome, good luck!


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