Quick Update and a Book

Aug 13, 2022 19:53

Well, I've just finished my first week staying at my sister and brother-in-law's apartment. So far things are going well, I think. I'm pretty sure I'm not annoying them too much. Working is a *little* difficult because I'm sitting at their dining room table. Between the small table (reaching for the mouse) and the hard chairs, it's a bit painful. But it's certainly doable for a few weeks. Plus side is I'm motivated to not take any breaks during work-time so I did well financially this week.

The only time I really get to just play on the internet and check my flist and stuff is Friday and Saturday nights for a few hours. So I'll be behind on everything for awhile. Tomorrow my niece Krystle is coming over so I'll ask her about calling Acer for me then.

Still getting my daily reading in, of course!

78. Ex-Communication by Peter Clines

The third book in the Ex-Heroes series jumps the timeline ahead a year or so. The heroes and the remaining citizens of zombie-infested Los Angeles have expanded their safe zone. Some people reveal new facets of themselves, and some that we thought were gone forever return. I really liked this one a lot. There were some interesting twists that I didn’t see coming, especially the way that Legion reacts to one of the newbies. I was so eager to see how the story resolved that it resulted in another late night for me!

Dates Read: August 09 to 12, 2022
Page Count: 343

5 out of 5 stars

Lost Challenges Read The Quote 2022 - R - Rim


reading challenge: lost challenges, family, author: p, work, apartment

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