Wednesday Reading Meme

Jul 27, 2022 11:03

I completely forgot about this last week, so here's two weeks' worth of updates.

What I Just Finished Reading: Since the last update I read Paw and Order by Spencer Quinn, A Day Like This by Kelley McNeil, A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen, The Quiet People by Paul Cleave (all reviewed previously), State of Decay by James Knapp and The ( Read more... )

reading challenge: four moon reviews, reading challenge: lost challenges, reading challenge: goodreads, author: j, author: h

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Comments 2

gilda_elise July 28 2022, 12:27:44 UTC
The Traveling Cat Chronicles does sound good, though I'd hope for a happy ending.

I very much enjoyed both of those King books.


severina2001 July 28 2022, 23:56:06 UTC
I love Gwendy's Button Box. Unfortunately Billy Summers had again been taken out of the library before I could get to it. I'm going to have to read my sister's copy when I go to her place!


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