TV, Music Monday... and a book :)

Jul 18, 2022 16:31

I realized yesterday that if American Ninja Warrior had started, maybe Australian Ninja Warrior would be starting soon as well. So I checked the website (thankfully back online) and it started airing in JUNE. So I watched an episode yesterday and when I was halfway through an episode today I noticed that THE NEW SEASON OF THE BLOCK NZ STARTS TODAY ( Read more... )

reading challenge: four moon reviews, reading challenge: lost challenges, weather omg, reading challenge: challenge factory, tv: the block, music: beach party, reading challenge: goodreads, author: j

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Comments 5

asphaltcowgrrl July 18 2022, 20:40:54 UTC
A good friend of mine recommended A Street Cat Named Bob. I really ought to read it soon.

Ugh, it's hot here, but not unusually so. However, monsoon season has arrived, so we're getting some rain, albeit not nearly what we need. Hopefully you're hanging in there.


severina2001 July 18 2022, 20:49:29 UTC
We got a nice good soaking last night, the most rain we've seen for at least a month. And it's supposed to rain at least a little bit every day this week, I think. Grass here is like straw so it'll be good for the grass and the plants. I imagine farmers are struggling.

I remember my Utahian (?) friend telling me how dips in the road could fill up astounding fast in monsoons and how every year, despite warnings and signs, people had to be rescued from the tops of their cars!

I am exceedingly grateful that Amy & Garry have central air!


asphaltcowgrrl July 18 2022, 20:54:44 UTC
Hooray for rain! Hopefully you get more, but not too much.

Yup. Monsoons blow through fast and drop a lot of water in a short amount of time. I'm not sure how it is in Utah, but our sewer systems can't handle it (even after a major overhaul a few years ago), so flash flooding is a huge problem. (I think it's Utahan, but I could be wrong.)

YES. I do not know how people survive without AC!


haldoor July 21 2022, 08:36:52 UTC

Hiya, I have been offline for a bit, so sorry I didnt warn you about the new Block NZ! Tbh, I completely forgot you were into it! I don't watch it myself, so although I knew it had started, I didn't think about it at all! Enjoy!

I had heard about the street cat book, and should really add it to my reading list! I'm sure I'd enjoy it too!

Sorry to hear the heat is bad at yours. Here it's been a pretty mild winter so far, but it does feel like we've had more than our fair share of rain, and I'm completely over it!


severina2001 July 25 2022, 00:11:09 UTC
LOL no worries, I was just teasing. I did remember that you said did not like the drama. However, having said that, if you do happen to see an ad for when The Block AU starts, please let me know... if you remember. No pressure. LOL


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