TV, Music Monday... and a book :)

Jul 18, 2022 16:31

I realized yesterday that if American Ninja Warrior had started, maybe Australian Ninja Warrior would be starting soon as well. So I checked the website (thankfully back online) and it started airing in JUNE. So I watched an episode yesterday and when I was halfway through an episode today I noticed that THE NEW SEASON OF THE BLOCK NZ STARTS TODAY! EEEEE!! haldoor, you're supposed to tell me these things! ;)

I'm glad I caught it because at least now I won't be behind like I am with the Ninjas. Damn, I have not watched this much television in years and years. I literally had to *write down* when everything airs so I remember to watch online the next day. YOWZA.

Last week in a comment I was mentioning how, when I was growing up, a local-ish channel (I think it was the NBC affiliate out of Buffalo) would rotate the same group of movies every six weeks. One week would be Elvis movies, then James Cagney, then Beach Party, etc. So this week I had to go back to those cheesy yet adorable Beach Party movies.

First, here's my favourite Frankie & Annette duet, "Because You're You." They don't try to make Annette do any heavy lifting on this one, which is why it works. Also, look how pretty they are.

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I always used to keep an eye out for Donna Loren in the Beach Party films, because she had such a great voice. I'm surprised she didn't go on to greater stardom.

image Click to view

I also finished another book!

69. A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen

Non-fiction account of a recovering heroin addict who takes in an injured cat whom he christens Bob. Bob begins accompanying James as he busks with his guitar in London, England, and locals and tourists alike fall in love with the little orange guy. It’s the classic tail… er, tale… of who really saved who, as Bob inspires James to get off methadone and begin to turn his life around. Simply written, but heartwarming nonetheless.

Dates Read: July 15 to 16, 2022
Page Count: 289

4 out of 5 stars

Four Moon Challenge 40 - non-fiction person or subject you know nothing about
Goodreads ATY Summer Challenge 4E - a biography or memoir - 400 points
Lost Challenges Quote the Book 2022 - O - Orange Cat
Challenge Factory Dusty Bookshelf - July pick

If you're in the path of this massive heatwave, I hope you have somewhere nice and cool to relax for at least part of the day. I am forever grateful that Amy and Garry have A/C in the house.

reading challenge: four moon reviews, reading challenge: lost challenges, weather omg, reading challenge: challenge factory, tv: the block, music: beach party, reading challenge: goodreads, author: j

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