Popping in!

Dec 05, 2021 16:10

**POP** I hadn't realized how long it had been since my last entry. Been busy working because this month my workflow will essentially come to a grinding halt on December 22nd, when most of the companies that submit files go on Christmas/New Year break. I've got to get as much work in as possible between now and then. Which of course meant that ( Read more... )

letters, friends, family, bullet journal, work, 101 things in 1001 days

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Comments 12

keli December 5 2021, 21:13:41 UTC
So glad you had some sister time! Sounds like the two of you are very close. That is wonderful!!

I hope your friend is okay.


severina2001 December 6 2021, 05:56:00 UTC
We definitely are, and I really needed it!


sidleypkhermit December 5 2021, 22:41:37 UTC
I didn't realize until seeing this how long it's been since fansee posted! I hope everything's okay.


severina2001 December 6 2021, 05:56:24 UTC
Me too.


asphaltcowgrrl December 6 2021, 15:57:09 UTC
Your relationship with your sister sounds like the one I have with my brother and, by extension, with his son (they're two peas in a pod there). So, glad you got to spend some time with her.

Nice progress on your goals, too!

I hope your friend is okay and that they're just busy/overwhelmed and not anything worse.


severina2001 December 7 2021, 15:58:20 UTC
Isn't it great just to have someone to be able to be moronically silly with? LOL

Thanks so much. Been trying to keep going on at least a couple of them at all times. I didn't have time to start writing my senior letters this weekend but I'm looking forward to that next. :)


asphaltcowgrrl December 7 2021, 17:33:15 UTC
It really is!

You're doing great. Slow and steady wins the race, after all, and keeping pace is better than trying to rush through. I hope you enjoy the letter writing - it's a great idea.


haldoor December 7 2021, 04:46:18 UTC

Good point, I haven't seen fansee around. Hope she's okay.

Good work with the goals! Writing to elderly people sounds like a lovely thing to do!

Are we friends on Goodreads? I'm haldoor there too.


severina2001 December 7 2021, 16:06:42 UTC
I've sent fansee an email as well. Hopefully she'll respond. It's not like her to be missing for so long, and I'm starting to get quite worried.

I ran out of time last weekend, but I'm super looking forward to starting my letter writing this coming weekend. I know it's not going to be long before I'm up there in age, and I know it's something I would certainly enjoy. :)

I found you! You're actually haldoor42, btw. I sent you a friend request. :)


haldoor December 8 2021, 04:56:17 UTC

Hmmm, I do hope she's ok.

Yay! Letter writing can be so much fun. I stay in contact with a few penpals I got when I was 13 (so over 40 years!) although I don't write as regularly as I used to and most are on FB now so we keep up thru there, but I love getting cards and letters, and sending them is just as much fun!

Oh, I always forget when I've added 42 ro the user name! 🤪 I'll go and add you now!

PS: sorry about all the edits...


severina2001 December 8 2021, 18:28:37 UTC
In some places I'm severina2001 and in some I'm severina (the places where i got to the name first, lol) so I understand what you mean. :)


vysila February 10 2022, 00:40:20 UTC
A quick FYI. fansee had a stroke on November 1, if you hadn't heard. She is recovering, thankfully. I don't know when she will be up to answering email but am sure she would love to get mail from friends


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