Popping in!

Dec 05, 2021 16:10

**POP** I hadn't realized how long it had been since my last entry. Been busy working because this month my workflow will essentially come to a grinding halt on December 22nd, when most of the companies that submit files go on Christmas/New Year break. I've got to get as much work in as possible between now and then. Which of course meant that going off and spending 3.5 days with my sister and brother-in-law was not ideal, but I needed a sis fix! We laugh so much together. I pointed out that most of our laughter comes from mocking each other and probably a lot of people would think that was weird, but that's us. LOL

Today, my local CFL football team made it to the Grey Cup (Canada's version of the Super Bowl) set for next weekend. I don't watch sports, but my sister was very excited, so yay. Oskee Wee Wee!

Let's see. What else has been going on? OH. I discovered a really great website that lists organizations that run campaigns to get snail mail to elderly people who are isolated. This month I am focusing on some of the people highlighted on Love For Our Elders, as well as some local nursing homes that are asking for letters or postcards through the Library. This was one of my goals on my 101 Things List, but I am hopeful that I'll be able to keep it up throughout 2022. I already feel so psyched about doing it. :)

Speaking of 101 Things in 1001 Days, here's my latest update:

Weeks 20 to 21 - November 21 to December 04, 2021

In Progress

06. Post one 5-star book per month on ATY's best book of month thread. (11/39)
* November's book was Seven Perfect Things by Catherine Ryan Hyde

11. Finish TV series already started (4/5)
* Finished Season 3 of Preacher

92. Donate 500,000 grains of rice at freerice.com (116,000/500,000)
* Donated 9,000 grains of rice this week


05. Move all 2022 books/library books/fave author books to Goodreads
* created a whole bunch of new shelves

59. Track fave authors/series in 2022 book journal

60. Make sure regular books are probably tracked in 2022 book journal
* made a huuuuge list cross-referencing all the different types of books (physical, ebook, library, kindle, kobo) and made sure that they were all in the right place.

74. Order stationary
* I ordered some small notecards and a set of writing paper with matching envelopes. Looking forward to getting started.


Has anyone heard from fansee? I sent her an LJ nudge a while ago but she hasn't posted.

letters, friends, family, bullet journal, work, 101 things in 1001 days

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