
Nov 13, 2021 17:13

Ouch. Ow. OWWWWW. That pretty much sums up my last few days! My Wednesday started out quite good. I got off my butt and went shopping. I bought Christmas presents and new sheets (because my old ones got a teeeeensy hole in them, which of course my giant big toe found in the night and ripped to pieces) and another cat puzzle, and there was joy in ( Read more... )

christmas 2021, reading challenge: popsugar, being a clutz, author: s, author: c, minions, reading challenge: challenge factory

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Comments 12

darlulu November 14 2021, 04:47:06 UTC
Ouch, that sounds painful. I'm glad you're in one piece and didn't break/sprain anything. :)


severina2001 November 14 2021, 19:21:52 UTC
Lots of bruises, but that's it. Whew!


asphaltcowgrrl November 15 2021, 17:34:31 UTC
Ouch! Hopefully you're feeling better today. Love the ornament!


severina2001 November 15 2021, 22:00:49 UTC
Definitely feeling better fall-wise, thanks! I love the minions so much. :)


asphaltcowgrrl November 16 2021, 17:36:00 UTC
I'm happy to hear it! Hahaha - so do I!


haldoor November 15 2021, 20:43:29 UTC
Ouch! I hope you are feeling better! The ornament is so cute! I had animals on our tree last year and wanted to put them up again this year, but made the mistake of asking Hubby what he wanted and he decided he wants to go traditional. He thought the animals looked a bit 'weird'. Talk about conservative! However, I did manage to get him to send money to my daughter so she could buy me more Christmas lights from her work! LOL! I do love my Christmas lights display and even though we are down a long driveway and not many people will see them, I will be decorating the outside of our house as usual! I am building up quite a lot more every year, so it should look pretty good! I know at least one neighbour appreciates them!


severina2001 November 15 2021, 22:10:39 UTC
I think those artistically decorated traditional trees are beautiful, but I've always loved a mishmash of pop culture and old bits and pieces that have sentimental value for myself. Maybe this year I'll post some pics of my ornaments; they're quite a mish mash. LOL

YAY for allllll the lights! I always feel so relaxed seeing all the houses lit up, and the more the merrier. (You should post a photo when you are done.)

Usually I decorate on the last weekend of the November, but I am soooo eager to get started this year. I may start my wrapping tonight and put my lil tree up in a couple of days!


haldoor November 17 2021, 23:23:19 UTC
Oh yes, do! I have a huge collection of things - far too many for one tree - that we've been adding to since my kids were little, but I only bought most of the animals in the last few years. I loved how it looked with them all on it. Anyway, we'll go round baubles and such for Hubby this year, and see how it goes ( ... )


severina2001 November 19 2021, 00:44:54 UTC
It's fun finding the houses that go all out for the holidays! There is one house here in the city where there entire lawn is filled with giant light up snowmen and elves and such, and they have a Santa and his sleigh on their roof. It's really cool. I know people usually divert down that street to see it. There are actually bus tours that go to Niagara Falls to see all the lights there.

I think it's super important to do fun things for our own joy, and I'm super excited to see your lights and tree and decorations! My tree is just a little table topper (because I had Cassie for 19 years and she would get a running start from across the room and LEAP into the middle of the full sized tree!) Ever since she passed away I keep saying that I'm going to get another full sized one but I never seem to get around to it.

My presents are all wrapped and my lil tree goes up this Saturday. Woot!!


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