
Nov 13, 2021 17:13

Ouch. Ow. OWWWWW. That pretty much sums up my last few days! My Wednesday started out quite good. I got off my butt and went shopping. I bought Christmas presents and new sheets (because my old ones got a teeeeensy hole in them, which of course my giant big toe found in the night and ripped to pieces) and another cat puzzle, and there was joy in the land. And then, after washing my new sheets, I took them out of the laundry basket to carry them into the bedroom.

And promptly tripped over the fitted sheet corner and BAM!! Down I went on my left side. Arm, hand, leg, hip, allllllll the pain. It wasn't until last night that I was able to actually sit or type for more than an hour without pain. And just when I was doing so well with staying on track, work-wise!

Every year I treat myself to one new ornament for my lil Christmas tree. Look at this years!

IT'S BOB!!! *snuggles him*

Two more books for 2021. Only 2 more to go to reach my revised goal. Woot!

82. Reap What You Sow by S.M. Anderson

Sequel to "End of Summer." This book picks up where the last one ended. Our group of plague survivors have vanquished the bad guys, met up with some new good guys, and are trying to start a new settlement. All would be well except now there's another big group of bad guys. So, basically this felt like a rehash of the first book except now some of the good guys are Marines. The edition of the gobbledygook that comes from extended paragraphs about their vehicles and weapons bogs down any chance the action scenes have of gaining momentum. The author did a good job keeping his politics out of the first book but this one pinged on my too right-wing-y radar.

3/5 stars
Popsugar Challenge 49 - DNF book ** I do not have a DNF book so I had to slot just a random pick into this spot.
360 pages

(This was one of the two "Finish What You Started" books picked for me at the Challenge Factory. The other one -- from a different series -- is not in print so I'm not able to read it.)

83. Rescue Matters: 4 Years. 4 Thousand Dogs. An incredible true story of rescue and redemption by C.J. English

The story of Keith Benning, who moves to an impoverished North Dakota county to serve as a deputy. What he and his wife discover is a stray dog epidemic that has been out of control for decades. They start rescuing dogs out of their garage and it all snowballs from there. Along the way Keith's marriage ends and he suffers compassion fatigue, but he keeps going (now with the help of some dedicated volunteers) because if he stops, dogs die.

Chapters alternate between Keith's story and the growth of Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue (TMAR) and brief dog rescue stories, usually including updates on how they are doing now. It's a book that had me in tears more than once, but the overall theme is one of hope and resilience.

50% of the proceeds of the book go to TMAR. And if you would like more information, to see the rescue at work (including lots of videos), or to donate, visit the Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue.

5/5 stars
292 pages

(This was one of the three books chosen for me at The Challenge Factory for the "Dusty Bookshelves" challenge. I'm glad I finally read it!)

Books Read: 83/85

Goodreads Challenge: 52/52
Popsugar Challenge: 50/50
LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo Hallowe'en Challenge: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12

Total Page Count: 25894 pages

Righto. Off to make dinner. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. :)

christmas 2021, reading challenge: popsugar, being a clutz, author: s, author: c, minions, reading challenge: challenge factory

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