Jun 30, 2021 19:33

On Monday I went into town to get COVID Shot #2, wooohooo! This was the first day that our previously 37C/99F heatwave got into the triple digits, hitting 41C/104F for the first of two consecutive days. If you don't think I was a giant sweat bubble by the time I waited in that heat, then took 2 buses, then walked 7 blocks to get to the arena, you ( Read more... )

weather omg, family, covid, apartment, giant sweat bubble

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Comments 14

mdlaw June 30 2021, 23:50:49 UTC



severina2001 July 1 2021, 15:51:23 UTC


haldoor July 1 2021, 03:21:07 UTC
Glad to hear it! (the vax, not the tree!). Also glad to hear the property wasn't damaged beyond the trees.


severina2001 July 1 2021, 15:52:30 UTC
Woohoo, thanks! And yeah, we've had some pretty crazy storms here in the past and I always keep an eye on this *other* tree in our backyard. Never suspected that the one in the front would be the one that goes down!


cmk418 July 1 2021, 03:26:24 UTC
Glad you got vaxxed.

Hope the weather eases up for you soon.


severina2001 July 1 2021, 15:55:03 UTC
Thanks so much! It's down to regular summer now -- with humidity today it's 27C/81F. Unfortunately, they're predicting that by Monday it'll be back up into the 40C/104F range for a few more days. Ugh!


darlulu July 1 2021, 05:20:03 UTC
Yay for shot #2! :D

We were in triple digits this week, too, which is practically unheard of for the Seattle area. Very scary.

Oh, and when I got my first shot I couldn't move my arm for 5 days. Like, literally I could barely lift it a mere sliver from my body. With the second shot my arm still hurt like hell, but I was able to hold onto some mobility. That vaccine isn't messing around lol!


severina2001 July 1 2021, 15:57:17 UTC
Thanks! And ouch to you! I have been fine since that initial 24 hour period of pain.

Climate change is no joke, right? We're back to regular summer weather today (27F/81F) but they are predicting we will be back to 40C/104F by Monday and it will last a few more days. Ugh.


tinnean July 1 2021, 09:58:41 UTC
I'm so glad you got the second shot and had minimal side effects. I was concerned because beyond being a bit tired (which I usually am anyway) I didn't have any.

So relieved you made it home before the storm hit. Winds that powerful... That had to be super scary!


severina2001 July 1 2021, 16:02:30 UTC
I know, it's weird, right? You hear that when people have side effects it means the vaccine is working, so then it's like, "... but I don't have any, so??????" I actually looked it up after I went for my first shot to find that in trials it was 50/50 between getting side effects and not, but the efficacy rate was the same regardless.

Like you I am tired. Like you, I usually am tired. So I have no idea if this tiredness is a side effect or not. Oh, us.


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