Queer as Folk fanvids!

Oct 15, 2020 15:31

A comment that fansee made on my last post sent me on a search for my favourite QaF fanvids. OH MY GOD THE MEMORIES. What an amazing trip down memory lane.

This one was, if memory serves, by bea_nonymous. It is my favourite fanvid of all time. The juxtaposition between the old and new clips is *kisses fingers* perfection. The song is "This Will Be Our Year" by OK ( Read more... )

fanvid recs, qaf fandom, tv: queer as folk

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Comments 11

kitkatbyte October 16 2020, 04:14:35 UTC
Thanks for the recs! Sarismchee's channel also had "Falling For the First Time" which was one of my favs back in the day. Glad to find it!

I have a folder full of old QaF vids right in font of me. I don't know if it's the "My World" one you are looking for, but I have this one deadfiddler.wmv... "Love is all around you, your universe is full, but in my world, there is only you." Is that the one?


severina2001 October 16 2020, 04:36:12 UTC
OH MY GOSH. Yours was one of the names I was just thinking about when I made this post! Now I can mark you off my "look up these people" list, and I've friended you. Not sure why you weren't already on my flist, but a ton seem to be missing that I'm SURE I never defriended myself. Anyhoo, HI.

And YES, YES, YES, THAT IS IT. Can you share it??


Here you go... enjoy! kitkatbyte October 16 2020, 13:18:35 UTC
Re: Here you go... enjoy! severina2001 October 16 2020, 18:53:09 UTC
*deep sigh* Just as great as I remember. Thank you for sharing!


darlulu October 17 2020, 15:40:59 UTC
What a wonderful trip down memory lane! Thanks for sharing those vids!


severina2001 October 17 2020, 19:07:24 UTC
You're welcome! We sure were a creative bunch back in the day!


britinmanor October 17 2020, 21:21:57 UTC
These were simply awesome! Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy watching them. And Aida had some of the best ones!

I hope everything is going great for you,

Hugs, Cathy


severina2001 October 18 2020, 04:51:23 UTC
Hey, I'm glad LJ let you post this comment, at least. Things are going pretty good here, thanks.

And yes, Aida was amazing. She did the best icons, too. So many good memories from QaF fandom. :)


kitkatbyte October 30 2020, 01:00:56 UTC
OMG severina. The best thing has happened! Aida has contacted me. I am so happy to find out she is still out there. And she has given me permission to upload her vids on YouTube so that we can watch them! I am like 1000x excited right now dlkjdlgkdhkaghdkjghdjkh.


severina2001 October 30 2020, 18:58:53 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! That is SO cool. Can't wait for you to get them all up there!!! I'm going to fall down the QaF rabbit hole for sure!


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