Queer as Folk fanvids!

Oct 15, 2020 15:31

A comment that fansee made on my last post sent me on a search for my favourite QaF fanvids. OH MY GOD THE MEMORIES. What an amazing trip down memory lane.

This one was, if memory serves, by bea_nonymous. It is my favourite fanvid of all time. The juxtaposition between the old and new clips is *kisses fingers* perfection. The song is "This Will Be Our Year" by OK Go. (The quality is not great but it's the only one I could find.)

image Click to view

Then we have "Accidentally in Love" by Sarismchee. Again with the perfect use of clips and amazing cutting, and just the perfect song. EEEE.

image Click to view

The other one that I remember loving was "My World" by altricial, but I can't find it anywhere. Anybody know where to find it?

The lovely kitkatbyte has added My World by altricial to the comments. Thank you so much, kitkatbyte. Enjoy!

I also randomly thought of a few QaF writers/active fandom participants back in the day, and then from going to those LJ's was reminded of names of many more. I am sooooooo close to falling down the "old QaF Fic" rabbit hole, but I gotta gotta gotta work today. Maybe on the weekend. :D

fanvid recs, qaf fandom, tv: queer as folk

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