Good News and 2017 Goals

Feb 12, 2017 14:20

So it just occurred to me that I never made my 2017 State of Me make-me-accountable goal list. But first, my good news: I am moving!

Here's the details! )

friends, health, writing, social media, amy, work, apartment

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Comments 11

secretsolitaire February 13 2017, 00:52:30 UTC
Congrats on your move! That sounds like a much better situation.

I like the thought of your money jar. I should do that. :)


severina2001 February 13 2017, 04:58:07 UTC
I hope so! I'm really looking forward to it. The house is on a secluded cul-de-sac, though. I'm going to miss my traffic noise!

I got the idea of the money jar from, I believe, brianswalk -- who if memory serves puts all her five dollar bills in a jar. I couldn't afford that, but coin is doable. I filled last years jar almost to the brim -- have never counted it. I just want to HAVE it.


bodleian February 13 2017, 01:56:57 UTC
Congratulations on the new apartment and I hope that you will be very happy there.
Your goals look realistic and good luck in achieving them. I'll be cheering on the sidelines.
One of the things I did when I got a mortgage was get rid of my credit card debt and I have been debt free now for the past 16 years. It was the best thing I ever did.
My goal this year is to lose weight and maintain my health. I have paid the deposit on a trip to Scotland next year and I want to be able to move around freely. The trip is very expensive so I've got to be at my best for it.


severina2001 February 13 2017, 05:00:03 UTC
Thank you! Third time's the charm, I hope. I'm eager to start a new chapter.

Amy's husband Garry is actually looking into some options for me in regard to my credit card debt. That definitely takes some of the pressure off. Then it'll be up to me to act on them.

Good luck to you on the weight loss. When I check in at the three month point I'll be looking for you to let me know how you're doing!


bodleian February 13 2017, 06:50:28 UTC
You're on.
With my cancer I had a lumpectomy and, as a result, now have one breast noticeably larger than the other. I need to trim down before I can have a reduction on my non-cancerous breast.
I'll report back.


severina2001 February 24 2017, 15:22:13 UTC
You have great motivation between your recovery and your upcoming trip. YOU CAN DO IT!!!


tinnean February 13 2017, 13:04:22 UTC
Good luck with the move. Not having a stove/oven sucks, but you know something? I use my toaster oven more than the actual oven, so if you're not a major cook, it could work.

I have to agree with you about genre fiction--so much of it can be hit or miss. I loved your Situation Normal NaNo fic, and since it's so totally AU, all you'd really need to do with that is change the names. Also, many people are divorced with children, so it would be logical for the John character to be upset (devastated) by the fact that his daughter had turned. You could add some back story to expand it and shop it around. (Dreamspinner has an offshoot, DSP, which might work for that.)

I'll tell you outright: I'd pay money to own it.


severina2001 February 24 2017, 15:25:51 UTC
Yup, the only time I use the actual oven is to cook something like chicken breasts, and I can do that just as easily in a toaster oven most likely. And if I ever get the urge to bake cookies or something, Amy will gladly volunteer her oven. :D

I really can't fathom changing a fanfic into an original fic (though I know many people do it.) I'm kind of married to John and Matt in that story! I do think there's nothing wrong with being motivated by the types of characters I already know and love to come up with something original, though. I've got some ideas, but right now I have a Nano-fanfic to finish and a fandom bang fic that I'm committed to. Soon!

I'm beyond thrilled, though, that you'd pay money for something of mine!


havers February 15 2017, 13:09:30 UTC
The new apartment sounds just great. I hope you feel comfortable there.

How big are the distances (work/downtown/bus station)? Maybe you can get a bike (e-bike) to have more freedom from the public transportation system. This will help your health as well.

Wow 65 books in a year! I loved to read but lately I don't do it (beside ff). I need more public transportation rides in my life to read more. But see I am a bicycle rider and love the freedom ;o)


severina2001 February 24 2017, 15:28:18 UTC
I hope so too! Unfortunately it is too far to ride, even if I knew how. (Yup, I never learned how to ride a bike!) I wish I was able to read on moving transport but unfortunately I get motion sickness if I try. But your comment made me realize that in nice weather I can certainly utilize some of that free time before work to go for a nice long walk. I looked into the local gym but they close too early. Now I just need to find the cash to purchase a little mp3 player...


havers February 25 2017, 15:50:38 UTC
Long walks are great as well. Enjoy your future.


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