Good News and 2017 Goals

Feb 12, 2017 14:20

So it just occurred to me that I never made my 2017 State of Me make-me-accountable goal list. But first, my good news: I am moving!

One of the things I haven't mentioned online but that has contributed greatly to all my emotional stress of the past year is that my new apartment (I moved here 16 months ago) also has a cockroach problem. To somehow who isn't completely phobic like me it probably wouldn't be considered 'horrible', but even seeing ONE bug is enough to send me over the edge. I literally have to get sprayed every 4 to 8 weeks and the emotional toll is EXTREME. Combined with the last disgusting apartment, I have been living in a state of mid-level anxiety for over two years now.

Enter my bestie Amy and her husband Garry. They have a huuuuuuge house. They have an upper floor that is set up as a separate apartment, sans kitchen. Their tenant moved out. Amy loves me.

Solution: they offered me the apartment.

There's some issues. It's in a suburb where the bus routes... kind of suck. One night a week I'll have to take a taxi. The other four nights a week I'll have to leave my place at 8pm to get downtown on the bus around 9pm... and I don't start work until 11pm. But in making the decision to move I decided that peace of mind was more important than convenience. Living in a place that is safe and clean is more important to my mental health. And I'm trying to see the advantages. IF I can afford to get a laptop or something similar in a couple of months, I can use that time to go to a coffee shop and write! In the summer I can sit outside in the park or go for a walk. So this could potentially be a good thing for me.

The apartment itself is gorgeous! New paint, new windows, fully carpeted. Large living room and bedroom, as well as a second bedroom that I'll use as an office. I'LL HAVE AN OFFICE! The bathroom shower has a rainfall -- is that what it's called? -- showerhead AND those front and side jets. It's like a freakin' spa. There's a little deck overlooking the big backyard. The only sore spot is the kitchen, which has no stove. But there's a hotplate (two burners), a microwave, and a toaster oven. That'll all be sufficient for what I cook. And Amy and Garry have said I can use their oven whenever I want as well.

I'll have free internet, free cable, free heat and electricity, and the rent is affordable.

So. I'M EXCITED. Also a little nervous. It's going to be a big change but I think it's the right one for me!

Onward to my 2017 Goals.

Health - At this point I'm only looking three months ahead, and my only goal is to weight less than I do now. Seriously, if I lose ONE POUND this will be considered a win. I'll reassess at the 4 month mark after the move and set something more concrete and challenge-worthy!

Writing - My goal for this year is 250,000 words. I took January 'off' from writing so this is going to be a challenge for me. I also want to attempt to write an original fic. I've been reading a lot of genre fiction lately and honestly, more than half the time my impression is "pfft, I could do better than that!" So why not try?

Money Jar - Still continuing to put whatever change is in my purse on Saturday night into the jar. I've already covered the bottom of it, woot woot!

Social Interactions - No matter how low my mood gets, I'm going to try try try to stay on top of reading my LJ and commenting and chatting with you lovely people. Hopefully the move into a less stressful environment will help with that!

Books - My goal this year is to read... 65 books. I think it's doable. *nods*

Finances - Within the next 6 months I have to make SOME kind of advancement on the state of my credit card. Whether that means credit counseling, bankruptcy, or some kind of arrangement with the bank itself. Just some movement forward on getting out of debt will be a win.

Whew. I think that's it. How YOU doin'?

friends, health, writing, social media, amy, work, apartment

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