*pauses for a breather*

Jan 07, 2012 03:28

Managed to tackle a good portion of the To Do List today. Still got the furniture switcharoo/poster hanging/putting together of two small cabinets to do, but pretty much everything else is off the list. Go me.

There's a new fic challenge called the 50 Reasons To Have Sex FicFest, based on a list seen on How I Met Your Mother. Neat idea, I think ( Read more... )

make me laugh: star trek, movie: live free or die hard, comm: smallfandombang, writing, apartment

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Comments 6

shadownyc January 7 2012, 13:23:36 UTC
Good luck with all your to-do's! You're far more productive and handy than I ever could dream of being. lol


severina2001 January 7 2012, 21:48:37 UTC
Thank you! So far I've hung posters, moved and restocked the entertainment unit, dragged the heavy ass desk across the room (seriously, moving the desk took me half an hour!), re-put-together the computer (and it works, wheeee) and attached the second half of the desk so it's all in one big piece of giant gloriousness again yay. Next up: cabinets. But first I'm taking a much-needed breather!


persnickett January 7 2012, 13:57:58 UTC
Awesome. Warlock has a hidden talent! I'm still a littl edisappointed he can't spell 'due'. ;)


severina2001 January 7 2012, 21:52:19 UTC
Right? It's totally something he would do. :D


flashfly January 9 2012, 04:29:12 UTC
I am marveling at the Cabin Pressure/His Dark Materials crossover. Wow.


severina2001 January 9 2012, 05:14:15 UTC
I had to look up Cabin Pressure -- huh, didn't even know they still MADE radio shows. Weird crossover, yup. Probably not the weirdest I've ever seen, though. LOL


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