Managed to tackle a good portion of the To Do List today. Still got the furniture switcharoo/poster hanging/putting together of two small cabinets to do, but pretty much everything else is off the list. Go me.
There's a new fic challenge called the
50 Reasons To Have Sex FicFest, based on a list seen on How I Met Your Mother. Neat idea, I think.
And the
smallfandombang is
looking for media people -- artists, podcasters, fanmixers and the like -- to provide the media component for the upcoming Small Fandom Big Bang. There's a huuuuge list of small fandoms involved, so I thought I'd throw the info out there for any of you graphic or fanmix-y inclined types who might want to participate.
And LFoDH fans might like this ad I found online a few weeks ago. I guess Warlock got a little desperate after the Fire Sale.
Been super busy so I'm woefully behind on commenting on my flist. I'm reading all the posts, though. Hope you're all well!