Seriously, Future Shop? SERIOUSLY?

May 28, 2011 14:53

Okay, so this was my second time lugging Mr. Willis to Future Shop. THIS time they run two hard drive diagnostics and say "it's fine". NO IT'S FUCKING NOT. Then they say that unless the shut-down thing happens WHILE THEY'RE STANDING THERE WATCHING, they'll charge me $60. Even though it's under warranty. I just. *throws up hands* It's NEVER ( Read more... )

fucking technology

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Comments 9

amelialourdes May 28 2011, 19:00:26 UTC
They said that? What a bunch of assholes. Ugh, sorry that you have to deal with all of this. I've had more than my fair share of computer issues. I've never had to deal with anything like this though. I hope that something improves without you having to ship it off! What a pain, dude. *hugs*


severina2001 May 29 2011, 23:45:52 UTC
It's been such a frustrating week. And the WEIRDEST thing is that since it came home from Future Shop, where *all they did* was run the diagnostics on the hard drive... it's been fine. I downloaded and ran a super spyware thing, that came up fine, but. It's just WEIRD. But I'm happy. Pleeeeeeeeease to be staying fine, Mr. Willis. *pets him*


Ugh. fansee May 29 2011, 02:39:22 UTC
Poor you. What an awful story! I hate beyond anything to be computerless!

Intermittant problems are the hardest to resolve. We had a car with problems in the electrical system, and it would just randomly stop running, once in the middle of a bridge with nowhere to pull over. Of course, it ran like a charm whenever we took it in to be repaired. Finally we left it at the shop over a long weekend, our repairman drove it home, and sure enough, it died on him. Outcome: he still couldn't figure out what was doing it. We'd already replaced all the major elements of the electrical system. We ended up trading the car in and not mentioning the problem.

There. That cheered you up, didn't it? FanSee


Re: Ugh. severina2001 May 29 2011, 23:53:55 UTC
UGH, how frustrating! Yeah, and see that's the thing too: why can't they just believe you that it's doing it? What does SEEING it have to do with anything? Yup, it shut down, sure enough. *sigh*

The GOOD thing is that since it's been home, it's been fine. So I'm just continuing to cross my fingers and knock on wood and hug it and pet it and call it George Mr. Willis.


spike7451 May 30 2011, 08:20:43 UTC
How absolutely frustrating for you. Hope Acer do the right thing and send you a replacement computer.


severina2001 May 31 2011, 01:24:48 UTC
Thus far it's working, so right now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed and knocking on a LOT of wood!


flashfly June 2 2011, 04:15:58 UTC
I am sorry for your computer woes and hope things are resolved quickly and not so painfully.


severina2001 June 11 2011, 04:06:24 UTC
Thanks. The computer has worked fine for the last two weeks -- until yesterday when it randomly shut itself off again. *sigh* I'm back to crossing my fingers again.


flashfly June 14 2011, 13:16:06 UTC
I'm crossing my toes.

Two weeks ago, my Ipod AND my car CD player quit working. These were two main sources of music. :(


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