Trip Planning

Apr 24, 2010 15:32

I think I am actually done all the running-around-town getting-ready-for-New-York stuff. Woo! Picked up a very cute top; munchies for the ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP are ready to be munched; pressie for the New York fam is purchased; US currency has been obtained; borrowed a purse/bag from Cari (who ended up giving me the bag to keep. Isn't she so nice ( Read more... )

friends, tv: stargate universe, movie: die hard, actor: christopher meloni, actor: lee tergesen, travel: new york

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Comments 11

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severina2001 April 25 2010, 05:00:48 UTC

You have no idea how excited this makes me. Did you watch the other incarnations of Stargate? Because I've found that anyone who did, generally HATES SG:U. I didn't (I've seen odd eps, and don't really like the tone) and so I LOVE SG:U. The two other people I know who watch and love it are the same way.

And hey, Oz fan and QaF fan and now SG:U fan? We totally have to chat in NYC. :D


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severina2001 April 26 2010, 23:12:13 UTC
I'm like you, I only watched odd episodes of the other Stargate shows.

Appears to be a definite prerequisite to enjoying SG:U! We have no "baggage", heh.

trillingstar and I are driving to NYC on Friday, so there's no airport for me. As for get-togethers? I saw katej's post, but I don't even know when the rest of our group is arriving! I am normally a Planner with a Capital P, but so much seems to be up in the air at the moment. We've got a few more days, we'll figure it out. :)


brianswalk April 25 2010, 00:11:36 UTC
I kept meaning to answer your OMGITSMELONIANDTERGESEN! posts, but I suck and never got around to it! I'm so happy for you to be able to attend this thingy, and the other OZ alum that you listed sounds like heaven! I hope they're even more wonderful in person, Sev. Have a fabulous time!

BTW, I've started s4 recently. I'm loving the hell out of the show, but not feeling the connection between B&K, yet. (OMG! Run, Alvarez, run!)


severina2001 April 25 2010, 05:13:22 UTC
Oh, I totally understand. I keep meaning to go back to things as well, and before I know it the page is long buried somewhere on my flist. I really should remedy that!


I've started s4 recently. I'm loving the hell out of the show, but not feeling the connection between B&K, yet.

What? WHAT? WHAAAAAAAT? There has been the stabbing of Vern and Chris crouched over Toby in the gym after SAVING HIS LIFE and NEW YEARS EVE KISSES and Toby PULLING CHRIS TO SAFETY and and and. AND. AND YOU DON'T SEE THE CONNECTION?

*cries and cries*


brianswalk April 25 2010, 16:00:12 UTC
Really, I want to see the connection! I really, really do! That means I could keep reading your fic.:)
Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed all that you mentioned above! But every word that comes out of Keller's mouth makes me wonder what he's up to this time. And Beecher is so F'd up in the head, I wonder how each decision he makes is going to hurt him. I hate to admit it, but Keller seems to be the stable one at this point! Do we ever find out if Beecher was the one to stab Keller? (it's OK to spoil me on that little point)


severina2001 April 25 2010, 20:05:51 UTC
Oh, but seeeeeee, everything you said? That is why I love them so! They are such complex characters. And yes, you kind of watch their story with one eye squinted shut because you just never know, and you feel their pain and their frustration and their love and. AAAH. MY BOYS.

Do we ever find out if Beecher was the one to stab Keller? (it's OK to spoil me on that little point)

It's never implicitly stated. But the assumption is yes, he did.


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