Trip Planning

Apr 24, 2010 15:32

I think I am actually done all the running-around-town getting-ready-for-New-York stuff. Woo! Picked up a very cute top; munchies for the ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP are ready to be munched; pressie for the New York fam is purchased; US currency has been obtained; borrowed a purse/bag from Cari (who ended up giving me the bag to keep. Isn't she so nice?)

Everything that's left is at-home stuff (dye hair, print out flight info, figure out what the hell I'm bringing, discuss Cassie's care with Amy, overpack (heh), etc.)

I kind of feel... at loose ends today. Like there's other stuff I should be doing (and I don't just mean WRITING), or stuff that I'm forgetting. Huh.

I have a LIST of writing things that I'm supposed to be working on. And I need to clean my apartment. Also, I'm hungry. And sleeeeeeepy -- I only slept 4 hours yesterday, then did a bunch of running around, then Jen of the Awesome Fabulousness and I went to visit Krystle at her new apartment last night, and when I got home I had to watch Stargate: Universe (which thankfully reran at 1am)... *breath*... and then I had a bath and slept for about 5.5 hours and then I got up today and did the rest of my running-around-town stuff, so... I'M POOPED.

Some day I must make a post about how fabulous SG:U is. I really should.

Anyway. Write? Clean? Eat? Nap?

Maybe I'll watch a movie. Die Hard's kinda calling to me. :D

friends, tv: stargate universe, movie: die hard, actor: christopher meloni, actor: lee tergesen, travel: new york

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