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Comments 32

agneson9 September 5 2006, 14:29:39 UTC
Not Vanished related.

My link to ljgray/Queer Library is dead.


severina2001 September 5 2006, 14:33:29 UTC
Well damn. Maybe she's gone over her quota? Yeah, I'm gonna hope for that.


kaysm95 September 5 2006, 14:33:01 UTC
I am a spoiler virgin, too, so this is just speculation. I thought that it was the same group that the ex-mayor was talking about last week with his whole "they killed my wife because I wouldn't give them what they wanted." And apparently the senator (is it Collins?) is supposed to know who they are. And maybe what they want? I don't know. I kind of assumed that I wasn't supposed to know yet. That is was part of the big mystery.

Oh, I don't think she was in Big, but she was the teacher/mother/wife in hiding in Kindergarten Cop.


severina2001 September 5 2006, 14:43:37 UTC
I was having a really hard time understanding the Bad Guy's voice at that point, and I just feel like I missed a big clue. They showed that... senate hearing?... on TV at the beginning of the ep... so I'm wondering if it's connected to that.

You're right, it IS Collins. And the son is Max.

she was the teacher/mother/wife in hiding in Kindergarten Cop.

OHHHHHHHHHH. It's Elizabeth Perkins who was in BIG. The whole time I've been watching Penelope Ann Miller I've been picturing Elizabeth Perkins and thinking how much she's changed. I'm a loser. LOL


kaysm95 September 5 2006, 14:58:25 UTC
Last week (? maybe the first week) wasn't there another senator (some politician anyway) who came to visit him and was mad that Collins wasn't going to defend him at some confirmation? Because he had supposedly slept with a teenage girl (maybe Sara). One of the things the bad guy said was "Confirm on the (some number, maybe the 9th or 19th)." So maybe it has something to do with that?


severina2001 September 6 2006, 00:36:20 UTC
Okay, and the Bad Guy said "confirm the 9th", right. So he's supposed to vote for the guy in the Supreme Court hearing or whatever. Which we already knew they were pressuring him to do, and it didn't take more than 4 brain cells to figure out the hearing and the kidnapping were related. So basically, we learned nothing from that conversation. I think that's the concensus.



lunachickk September 5 2006, 14:57:38 UTC
We have no idea what was meant by the phone call to the Senator. It was all vagueness.

Action!Gale is just the hottest thing! I want an action-figure! *eg*


severina2001 September 6 2006, 00:38:25 UTC
with extra costumes that you can buy, so we can get him out of those drab suits with the baggy pants!


mi_nion September 5 2006, 15:06:53 UTC
Nothing to add except I thought this week was really good as well. Also Gayheart can't act and without her hair being curly she looks like a duck. Penelope need to stop dying her hair, cause blonde aint' her color. Both Senator children are dumber than lint.

and yes, Gale is hot!


zosha2003 September 5 2006, 15:56:04 UTC
In four simple sentences, you have captured exactly how I feel about Gayheart, Miller, and the Senatorial spawn. I also liked this episode better than the previous two ( ... )


severina2001 September 6 2006, 00:39:36 UTC
I think when she's doing her reporter-at-the-mic bit she sounds *exactly* like the drones from CNN. I'd like to think that's a deliberate acting choice on her part. Heh.


shadownyc September 5 2006, 16:23:09 UTC
I won't spoil you...

Elevator conversation was not clear for those not-spoiled. :/
The "bad guy" on the phone referred to the hearing that Senator Collins said he wasn't attending due to his wife's kidnapping.

That was a scene that had too much going on to focus on the important content.

Gale was VERY HOT this week!!! :D


nola_nola September 5 2006, 18:04:39 UTC
Where are you reading spoilers? Thanks.


shadownyc September 5 2006, 21:47:04 UTC
I had heard some detailed outlines of the pilot and the important storylines to follow early on. Nothing recently.


severina2001 September 6 2006, 00:41:32 UTC
Elevator conversation was not clear for those not-spoiled. :/

THANK YOU. Now I can feel less dumb. :p

The "bad guy" on the phone referred to the hearing

I can call him The Kidnapper if you want. Or... Kidnapper Dude. Yeah.

Gale was VERY HOT this week!!! :D

On this we are much in agreement. :)


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