I'm finally back

Sep 02, 2006 00:24

Hector was in the shop for a week. I have been without internet for 9 days. I have been slowly going insane ( Read more... )

actor: gale harold, actor: hal sparks, fucking technology, friends, tv: vanished, games: urban dead, tv: celebrity duets, tv: fame

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severina2001 September 3 2006, 15:56:29 UTC
I've had so many problems with this thing. And I'm fanatical about checking all my downloads for bugs -- I won't even go on file-sharing things like Limewire. Not fair, Rebecca, not fair.

But I am back now -- Wheee! -- and today I might actually accomplish stuff.


joesther September 2 2006, 04:43:29 UTC
Welcome home!!!! Good to see you back. I got your text message, but I can't text internationally, which is much with the suckage.

And I have Opinions about Vanished and Gale, but I'll share them with you over IM, because they're Dangerous and Risky and I don't want to post them here. And you won't agree, but oh well.

I hope you got a very good anti-virus program. *hugs*


court1429 September 2 2006, 04:47:26 UTC
Well, hello. We don't know each other at all but I recognize your name and had to spam in on this to say I am v.v. curious about your Dangerous and Risky opinions! :)


joesther September 2 2006, 04:58:02 UTC
Hello. :) I've seen your name around as well.

To sum up, I like the show. And I (quite against my expectations) like Gale in it. Particularly in the second episode. It was obvious he was still figuring the character out in the pilot, but the second episode was a lot better. And I fully expect the third one to be better still. I was actually quite sad to hear the rumors that he's being let go from the show.

And I know this isn't the consensus among Brian/Gale fans (from QAF).

And I'm not going to say any more than that.


court1429 September 2 2006, 05:44:57 UTC
Well, let me come join you in the Risky Corner, then. I love mysteries. I'm not just loving it or hooked on it yet, but I like the show ok. And I like his work in the show. Like you, more in Ep 2 than the pilot, which was too short to get everything in they wanted to show. It needed to be slowed down and expanded to a 2-hour opener to really do it justice.

I would like the show a lot more if they'd dispense with some of the extra threads that I think are less interesting such as the kids (though I think the guy playing the son is doing very good work) and the daughter's BF, the ex-wife, and the fisherman, and concentrate more on Kelton's backstory and his interactions with Mei, the Senator (also think his work is good), and Judy Nash.

I will be very disappointed if the rumors are true. And it doesn't make a lot of sense to me that they wouldn't just tweak the storyline to open him up a bit more.


court1429 September 2 2006, 04:54:01 UTC
9 days?! I about went nuts when I was off-line for 2-1/2. Soooo sorry you lost all your files and links. :((

steamed eggs

omg, I thought the same thing: WTF? I have *tried* to figure out what kind of egg dish would be steamed and can't figure it out. And really, I don't want to. They sound runny and slimy and just ewww. lol

I thought Celebrity Duets was pretty laughable overall. And poor ol' Little Richard. He's just kinda pitiful, isn't he?

You're getting "Fame" on tv? Lucky you! I had such a case of the hots for Leroy.


severina2001 September 3 2006, 16:02:01 UTC
I now have this strange desire to try steamed eggs. Damn you, Randy Harrison.

I would not watch Celebrity Duets were it not for Hal. Well, and Jai was awesome. I think Hal's gonna be around for the duration. My prediction of the final three: Jai, Hal and Lucy Lawless. Jai for talent, Hal and Lucy because they have strong fanbases that'll vote for them no matter what. Let's see if I'm right.

I had such a case of the hots for Leroy.

OMG, all my friends loved Leroy. Or, more specifically, Leroy's ass. I myself had a soft spot for Danny. It was the hair. Heh!

joesther just let me know that the first season of Fame is actually out on DVD. I am sooooo buying that.


court1429 September 3 2006, 20:26:56 UTC
I think your Jai/Hal/Lucy prediction is right (omg, that looks like a 3-some fic pairing the way I wrote it. ewww.. lol) I think the next one to get the boot will be the gymnast. I think it was pretty much a toss-up between her and the wrestler the other night. I was particularly offended that nobody in wardrobe covered up her tan lines. Sooooo v.v. tacky.

I may well join you in the Fame aisle at Amazon! :D

Was your computer-fixer able to determine where you got the virus? My anti-virus program is supposed to do a full scan every day early in the morning and I just found out it's not doing it at all. And never has. This after nearly a year (I know; I am a techtard) and I've paid in advance for three years. I can do a manual scan but that's time-consuming to do every day. Spent time in an on-line chat with the McAfee people to find out I need some patch from Dell that may or may not work. WTF? I really wish I were more computer savvy.


severina2001 September 3 2006, 21:15:41 UTC
I agree that the gymnast will be the next to go. She can't sing and I don't think she'd have a fanbase to vote for her. After that, it should be Cheech. I think picking the Celebrity Duet vote-offs will be easier than the American Idol ones!

Was your computer-fixer able to determine where you got the virus?

He said it probably wasn't an infected music file, even though I was on someone's Myspace that had one of those music files that automatically start when you go to the page. He said Trojan Horses are usually fairly innocent, in that they just open up a way for advertisements to get in. I am not entirely certain because of the computer-gobbledy-gook-talk, but I think he thought that open doorway let in something else. *shrugs* It's all Swahili to me ( ... )


jackieb78 September 2 2006, 06:38:56 UTC
Hey thank you! If it makes you feel *any* better, the doll in no way plays a scary role. He freaks me out, too, and let me tell you, we had to have FIVE of them to play various parts (one with a bullet hole in his head, one to be all bloodies, etc) and they are all laying around my house. AIEE.

Anyway, I am v.v. glad you're back and I hope everything is well again with your computer. If you need bookmarks or anything else from me, have at it. I'll send you anything I have that you want.


severina2001 September 3 2006, 16:03:48 UTC
That doll DOESN'T HAVE A SCARY ROLE? That... I am just... I wonder if we have different definitions of 'scary'. Hee.

I'm working on replacing music files now... thanks for the offer of bookmarks, if I have trouble finding anything I'll let you know!


jackieb78 September 3 2006, 16:48:18 UTC
HEE. Well, I mean, it isn't the bad guy and it doesn't move or talk or anything. If you just don't like ventriloquist dolls (and I am TOTALLY there with you), I guess he is creepy looking.


severina2001 September 3 2006, 21:16:57 UTC
I was going to ask some more questions, but the spoiler virgin in me won't let me. I'll just keep hoping for that wide release!


scatterheart September 2 2006, 08:55:18 UTC
Oh wow, sorry about your computer! :( The thought of not having internet access for 9 days and losing all your files... *clings to her own computer*


severina2001 September 3 2006, 16:04:26 UTC
Thank YOU for agreeing to upload some songs for me! I am missing all my mp3's soooooooooooooooo much.


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