I'm finally back

Sep 02, 2006 00:24

Hector was in the shop for a week. I have been without internet for 9 days. I have been slowly going insane.

Andy The Computer Guru had to completely reformat the hard drive. Windows was corrupted. I lost everything. 550+ mp3's - Gone. Dozens of fanvids - Gone. 150+ icons made by brill LJ people - Gone. Work-in-Progress fanfic - Gone. Fanfic story notes - Gone. Even all my IE (and new Firefox) bookmarks are gone. :(

At some point I will be begging my flist for music.

I was just at skip=550 or something. Woah.

So. Catching up.

Did I miss wankage of some kind? I keep seeing reference to wank.

Is this Gale-leaves-Vanished rumour still just a rumour? Coz honestly, I did not realize how much I dislike this show until my sister asked what I thought of it and the first thing out of my mouth was "I hate it." I want to like it, and I still LOVE Gale, but grrr, all the quick edits annoy me, and the people constantly walking -- no one just SITS and TALKS in a scene, man. I will keep watching for Gale, but unless it improves dramatically I wouldn't be sorry to not have to watch it every week, you know?

qafcomments - Big congrats on your movie news! May this festival lead to more festivals, which leads to a major distribution deal, which leads to me being unable to watch the movie at my local cineplex because that doll is just waaaay too freaky looking and I don't want to pee my pants in the theatre.

sandrakints - I couldn't access your address, but now that I have it I will mail your books this week. Sorry for the delay!

joesther - Congrats, Auntie Jo!! Post baby pics!

dianaryan - We just reconnect and Hector goes on life support. Life = often very unfair. I will email you ASAP (ie. tomorrow.) I've missed you!

I watched "Celebrity Duets" the other day. Hal was... annoying. I think it was a combination of him enunciating every syllable in "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" and constantly commenting back/interrupting the judges. Though hearing MARIE OSMOND of all people say HAL is "too white" was pretty amusing. Little Richard needs to shut up and go home. David Foster needs to embrace his inner Snark King (we saw him on American Idol -- we KNOW he has one) and not worry that these are (B-list) celebrities and just go on out there and rip into 'em. (And Jai Rodriguez was amazing.)

What the heck are steamed eggs? I have never heard of steamed eggs. Boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, poached eggs... but not steamed eggs.

Oh. And FAME IS BACK ON TV. MuchMoreMusic is airing it weekdays. Danny! Leroy! Doris! Coco! How I've missed your cheesy dialogue and equally cheesy songs, your leg warmers and random dance numbers in the cafeteria. LOVE IT. I may possibly still remember the words to many of the songs. Heh. *plops self in front of TV daily at 5pm*

I have just checked up on my Urban Dead people and Lindsay was zombified while I was gone! Damn zombies.

Okay! Now I'm off to bed, and tomorrow I look forward to checking out all those dare_challenge fics! Apologies again for having to drop out of the challenge because of the computer breakdown.

It's good to be back. :)

actor: gale harold, actor: hal sparks, fucking technology, friends, tv: vanished, games: urban dead, tv: celebrity duets, tv: fame

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