Hi!! *waves madly*

Sep 03, 2006 01:11

I am well on the way to replacing my music files, thanks to the awesome members of my flist. I was going to list all the people who've helped me out, but then it occurred to me that my LJ entries are always public and maybe some people wouldn't want their names mentioned. So.. my lovely flisters... you know who you are and THANK YOU.

I currently have about 100 of the 550 files. I think that's pretty darned amazing for ONE DAY.

I'm also in the process of uploading all the songs to one of those online file-storage places. So if there's another computer crash in my future, or if when I get a new computer, all the files will just need to be downloaded from there and voila, no tragedy. Why I did not think to do this before is beyond me. I clearly need smart friends to point these things out (and you know who YOU are.)

Okay. I think I will head off and read the dare_challenge fics now. Adios!


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