Urban Dead is eating my brain

Jul 01, 2006 12:39

I discovered this online game called Urban Dead. I am now addicted ( Read more... )

zombies, games: urban dead

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Comments 16

jackieb78 July 1 2006, 17:12:32 UTC
Daphne Chanders and Ben Bruckner have joined you.

I love games like this.


severina2001 July 1 2006, 17:31:27 UTC
OMG YAY. *squees* I hope we meet up at some point. The board is HUGE.

So who are Daphne and Ben? Cops? Civilians? Daph is totally a scientist, isn't she?


jackieb78 July 1 2006, 17:46:23 UTC
I made Daph a doctor... fanfic made it stick in my head that that's what she is.

Ben is a firefighter, cause there's no "philosopher" skillset and consumer was SO not Ben. I figured he could rationalize being a fireman.


severina2001 July 1 2006, 17:48:12 UTC
I think my Drew is dead. Damn zombies. :(

When Daph gets a vivi-whatever skill, we totally have to meet up so she can revive my Drew. Hee.


jackieb78 July 1 2006, 17:53:21 UTC
Three words:

Ethan Gold: Zombie


severina2001 July 1 2006, 17:55:15 UTC

You = brilliant.


jackieb78 July 1 2006, 17:58:21 UTC
I like that he can only say "Graaagh" and "Mrh?" and the like. Whee, this is fun.


severina2001 July 1 2006, 18:25:39 UTC
apparently the "Mrh?" is for when you want to be revived... you find a revive point or the NT office and stand outside pitifully saying "Mrh?" until someone fixes you up.

I think that's what Drew's going to be doing tomorrow. :/


ayesakara July 1 2006, 18:46:11 UTC
You and your zombies!!!

Of course Mikey is a zombie. Are you killing him yet? You should pummel him with a really big..... um, hammer. Make him all mangled and ugly.

<----sighs happily!


severina2001 July 1 2006, 19:29:19 UTC
Well, we can't actually *see* our people. They're just names on a screen. But he's already dead, so we can assume he's all rotting and stuff. *nods*


joesther July 2 2006, 02:12:52 UTC
It's about zombies and you love it.

This is not surprising to me. :D


severina2001 July 2 2006, 02:22:48 UTC
I am not exactly a mystery. *nods*


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