Urban Dead is eating my brain

Jul 01, 2006 12:39

I discovered this online game called Urban Dead. I am now addicted.

You see, a zombie plague has overtaken the town of Malton. A ZOMBIE PLAGUE. And you can play as either a civilian, military, scientist or zombie. You only get 50 moves per day (moves include moving a square on the grid, searching a building for supplies, attacking a zombie, etc.) and you have to make sure you have a building to hide in before your points run out. SO.MUCH.FUN.

I am playing as:
Ted Schmidt, a civilian. He has so far collected a phone (which he can't use), a vaccine syringe (which he's not qualified to use), 2 books (which he can't read), a newspaper (ditto), a pistol clip (he doesn't have a pistol), and a first aid kid (YAY). I am shocked my mild-mannered accountant hasn't been killed yet.

Drew Boyd, a cop. (I figure he went into police services after his football career ended.) He starts out with a flak jacket and pistol, and has now acquired wire-cutters and 2 bottles of wine. He managed to find a pistol clip and he killed a zombie. GO DREW! Now his pistol is empty and I had to leave him in a bad way. Cross your fingers for Drew. ETA: DREW IS NOW INFECTED. Damn zombies.

Michael Novotny, a zombie. (C'mon, like MIKEY could survive the initial plague.) He has attacked a civilian but couldn't manage to kill him. He's currently swaying in place and moaning.

I would have played as Brian and Justin, but somebody already took their names. I want to know who this other QaF fan playing Urban Dead is.

Also, Happy Canada Day! to my fellow Canucks. I'll be spending today writing (I hope) and then this evening I'm going to It's Your Festival with Amy where I will eat things that are bad for me and buy crafty things that I probably don't really need. Yay Canada Day!

zombies, games: urban dead

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