Title: It's What's Inside That Counts
Fandom: Re-Animator/From Beyond (Bro'verse)
Pairing: Herbert/Dan, background Crawford/Bubba
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4028
Summary: Cutting to the chase: It's a bodyswap fic.
A/N: Uhm, warning for 85% more Pretorius than previous story.
Bro'verse Master Post:
Don't be disgusting and paranoid. Surely even someone like that can focus on work when there's work to be done. )
Comments 4
I think you did an excellent job of capturing Dr. Slime-ball perfectly, and I almost feel sorry for Herbert. I DO feel sorry for Crawford, but not as much as I thought I would.
Can't feel as sorry for Crawford because he's just like used to Edward's pervy talk. Poor Herbert and Dan who are being exposed to this for the first time. D:
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