00Q and Whishaw stannish feelings, I have them

Nov 08, 2012 15:55

You guise, 00Q is a BABY FANDOM.
I was (more or less) there when it was born and now I'm watching it grow with motherly pride. The fans are calling themselves "00Qties" or are hashtagging everything with "#00Qpioneers4satan" (after an inside joke between friends on tumblr apparently) and they're all very cute and enthusiastic and there ( Read more... )

muvies, ambiguously gay british people, god i'm such a stan, ilu fandom, best flist ever, zomg ghei, squee, 00q, flailing omg, ben whishaw

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Comments 32

jainas November 8 2012, 14:51:38 UTC
I have to say that the 007/Q scenes in the movie did nothing for me...
Bond/Silva, on the other hand... (Why must I always love the batshit crazy and sexualy ambivalent vilains?)


berylia November 8 2012, 15:08:20 UTC
We still love you darling and I must say the Silva/Bond scene got me all flustered by the sheer amount of sexualness.

But I'm a sucker for young, black hair, white skin, seemingly fragile... God I'm a cougar !


jainas November 8 2012, 15:33:04 UTC

Actually, the whole "young, black hair, white skin, seemingly fragile" remind me way to much of the dynamics of Yaoi uke/seme, which I dislike quite a lot...


berylia November 8 2012, 15:51:46 UTC
It's not even a question of seme/uke dynamics, it's really personal, I love seemingly fragile men : Chris Colfer, Ben Whishaw for reasons I don't actually understand.
I think it's the whole aesthetics of Greek/Renaissance young men that appeals to me... I think I'm a bit of a shotacat ! Hmmm who knew ? Maybe it's also because of the whiteness and white being pure the idea of sullying that purity... Okay, I'm going to stop right here...

For the dynamic aspect of 00Q, I think I see Q as topping from the bottom, infuriating every step of the way, and I read a great and quite heart-breaking fic with Q on top.

One thing I like about fanfiction is that you can always find fics that will reverse the "usual" seme / uke dynamic and do it with intelligence, subtlety and all that and make you love it and long for it.

(And I think this long post shows I'm procrastinating...)


berylia November 8 2012, 15:09:52 UTC
SPN's new season is airing right now, if I'm not wrong...

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cute men are my favourite...


etrangere November 8 2012, 16:59:26 UTC
How do you do to avoid the SPN fandom? They are everyfuckingwhere and pretty effervescent right now! I think they've just had new canon.


berylia November 8 2012, 17:06:24 UTC
The "it's not because we don't shove it in your face that it doesn't exist" canon ?


etrangere November 8 2012, 17:20:59 UTC
Well they're not as bad as Sherlock or Who (or Avengers) but they're not exactly quiet.


berylia November 8 2012, 17:29:16 UTC
What fandom is quiet ? Isn't it the very nature of fandom to be quite rowdy and vociferous ?


na_shao November 8 2012, 23:48:53 UTC
Le fandom est vraiment sympa comme tout, comme d'habitude je reste trèèèèès timide donc j'ai un peu peur d'y participer, mais les gens ont été super gentils! J'aime bien voir les fandoms grandir.

Et j'espère qu'il y aura encore plus de banter entre Bond et Q dans le prochain film!

Oh et la pièce (c'est Cock si mes souvenirs sont bons? J'aime ce titre ahah) dont tu parles avec Andrew Scott et Ben Whishaw! J'ai des amis qui l'avaient entendue et ils m'ont en dit beaucoup de bien, et il me semble que j'avais gardé les liens pour un enregistrement audio ou quelque chose de cette pièce? Si je les retrouve, ça t'intéresse? Il me semble que c'était ça, je peux me tromper mais je vais essayer de chercher, je suis persuadée que je les avais mis de côté)


sevenswells November 12 2012, 22:55:02 UTC
et il me semble que j'avais gardé les liens pour un enregistrement audio ou quelque chose de cette pièce? Si je les retrouve, ça t'intéresse?

Oh oui, si tu les retrouves ça m'intéresse carrément!!


na_shao November 13 2012, 10:53:29 UTC
Et hop :) je dois l'écouter cette semaine si j'ai le temps, j'espère que tu aimeras!

Ah et aussi, j'avais gardé ça pour toi.


sevenswells November 17 2012, 17:57:38 UTC
Yessss, merci!!! Je m'en vais télécharger ça :DDD



fantomefumee November 9 2012, 12:07:06 UTC
Be reassured, since Misha Collins said that Dean/Cass is nearly canon (something like "it's not because it's not showed that it's not there), Supernatural fandom fares pretty well ^^. Okay, all tumblr fans are reblogging Supernatural stuff... well... a lot.

I can't wait to see Skyfall and 00Q anyway ^^.


sevenswells November 12 2012, 22:56:12 UTC
I can't wait to see Skyfall and 00Q anyway ^^.

I hope you'll like it guys, but seriously, it's a great movie (far better than Casino Royale that we watched together if you remember ;D )


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